Home » Not only Emanuela Orlandi, Laura Sgrò: revelations about “Blood in the Vatican”

Not only Emanuela Orlandi, Laura Sgrò: revelations about “Blood in the Vatican”

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Not only Emanuela Orlandi, Laura Sgrò: revelations about “Blood in the Vatican”

Laura Sgrò struggles to shed light on the dark sides of the Vatican

Laura Sgrò, courageous lawyer of the Orlandi family, continues to fight for the truth about the mysteries of the Vatican. At the heart is of course the disappearance of Emmanuelon which since 1983 his brother Pietro he hasn’t given up an inch and continues to look for answers. But in the small but nebulous Papal States there are many other stories on which to clarify, such as the deaths of Cédric Tornay, Alois Estermann and his wife Gladys Meza Romero, which took place in 1998. And who knows, in the end the various pieces of the puzzle make up a coherent image, to be looked at all together to understand its meaning. Laura Sgro spoke about it at the Rizzoli Galleria bookshop in Milan, together with the former RIS commander Luciano Garofano and the investigative journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, during the presentation of his book “Blood in the Vatican. The disturbing truths about the massacre in the Swiss Guard” (Rizzoli, 304 pages, 17,10 euros).

The dead in the Swiss Guard: a case closed too quickly

On May 4, 1998 in the Vatican palaces the vice corporal of the Swiss Guard Cédric Tornay, the commander Alois Estermann and his wife Gladys Meza Romero they are found lifeless. Just a few hours later, the Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, communicates the reconstruction of the facts to the press: with “moral certainty” he claims that the young Cédric killed his spouses and then committed suicide. Case closed? Not for Laura Sgro.

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All doubts about the death of Cédric Tornay

In 2019 Muguette Baudat, Cédric’s mother, asks for the help of the tenacious Laura Sgro to clarify what happened to her son, since the official version does not convince her. Thus begins a judicial battle to reopen the investigation on the basis of new evidence, unpublished testimony and advice that they overturn the official truth of a much more complex story: as you investigate, the questions do not decrease, but, on the contrary, increase. Was Cédric’s farewell letter really written by him? Why weren’t the crime scene analyzes more accurate? Why were only a handful of crime scene photographs preserved? And, above all, why was the file kept hidden despite not being covered by pontifical secrecy?

Is there a link between Cedric Tornay and Emanuela Orlandi?

The death of Cedric it might even have a direct link to the case of Emanuela Orlandias the brother explained Pietro in this interview with Affaritaliani.it: “There are a number of reasons that make me think so. The judge was convinced of it Ferdinando Imposimatowho I knew well at the time, and so does my lawyer Laura Sgro: both have written books on the story. There was a persistent rumor that some documents had been stolen from his safe. Furthermore, there had been a meeting with AAntonio Arcontea character linked to Gladio, to whom Estermann he had confided that he was afraid and wanted to leave the Vatican for the United States. They made an appointment in Corsica to leave from there, but Estermann did not show up and Arconte only found out from the newspapers what had happened and who Estermann was. And then there is a “coincidence” that struck me very much: the first two people who came in to inspect Estermann’s house, after his death, were the Cardinal King and the gendarme RauBonarelli, both linked to the story of Emanuela”.

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