Home » Pnrr, Draghi’s wrath for the blame game. Meloni calls: “I’m not angry with you”

Pnrr, Draghi’s wrath for the blame game. Meloni calls: “I’m not angry with you”

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Pnrr, Draghi’s wrath for the blame game.  Meloni calls: “I’m not angry with you”

Draghi-Meloni phone call on the Pnrr, the loyalist of former prime minister Giavazzi: “190 billion cannot be spent immediately, had to prepare the regulatory framework”

Il government on the matter Pnrr has decided to come out and the minister responsible for the dossier, Raffaele Dense he admitted: “Many projects I am unfeasiblewe can’t do it”. After this declaration, one was born clash between new and old executive, so the premier Melonsqualified executive sources report, call Mario Draghi. He explains to him – we read in Repubblica – that is not he the true target of his government, if anything a certain strabismus of the EU on the Pnrr, hostile to the sovereignists and much less rigid with the previous government. Try to quell a nuisance, that of the former banker, increasingly marked. That he struggles to stay on the banks, as can be understood by reconstructing an episode of about ten days ago and which is worth reporting. His loyalist Giavazzi goes on TV and shows off tones soft and concepts basically abrupt. And so, when they ask him about Melon’s promise of a truth operation to denounce the delays fruit of the Dragons erathe professor replies: «Whoever says today that the Plan is late does not understand how does it work».

Avoid – continues the Republic – straight lunges, but distances itself from the present. “You couldn’t spend them immediately 190 billion, had to prepare the regulatory framework. Now we have to to be ready. And Minister Fitto will begin to implement things”. It is not just a problem of fair play. It is the nature of the attacks, often disorganized. intensity has increased in recent days, coinciding with the explosion of the case Pnrr in Brussels and the postponement of the European decision on the third tranche. And we are a few days ago. The tension rises so much that Melons – according to sources consulted in the executive – decides to pick up the phone to call the predecessor. Contextualize, he explains, justify the political line with reasoning of this tenor: they are not attacks aimed at you, but the attempt to make it clear that Europe is adopting towards us a attitude suddenly more rigid.

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