Home » Rai: Maggioni instead of Annunziata, Report instead of Fazio. Off to Tg1 Morning

Rai: Maggioni instead of Annunziata, Report instead of Fazio. Off to Tg1 Morning

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Rai: Maggioni instead of Annunziata, Report instead of Fazio.  Off to Tg1 Morning

Rai, changes all Sunday: Maggioni and Report instead of Annunziata and Fazio

Off to the risk of Rai, which changes all Sunday on the third channel and beyond. Corriere della Sera sums it all up: “A Monica Maggioni the Sunday afternoon information slot. In the evening, «Report», which leaves Monday evening. A face of Sky arrives at «Agorà»: Roberto Inciocchi”. According to the Corriere, the first novelty will be the new Tg1 Mattina, a space between current events and analysis.

In the first part (7.30-8) focus on the main events of the day with guests and envoys, and then a fixed space with the cartoonist Osho. Second part, after the 8 o’clock news: interviews and coffee with personalities from show business, culture and sport. The first coffee will be with Amadeus, then Gigi D’alessio and other big names. And in the current space, always on Monday, the interview with Elon Musk”. The management will be entrusted to Giorgia Cardinaletti, who will alternate with other journalists.

Information front. According to the Courier, for Sunday “with the release of Lucia Annunziata, the information will pass into the hands of the former director of Tg1 Monica Maggioni. The reservation has also been lifted on who will occupy the Sunday evening slot, left by Fabio Fazio: it will be «Report» by Sigfrido Ranucci, who will move from Monday”.

Also for the Corriere, on Sundays “a program presented by Serena Bortone should find space, which could double in the same slot on Saturdays. To follow, on Saturday, a program for which the name of Monica Giandotti is named. The latter will leave the guide of «Agorà» to Roberto Inciocchi, face of Sky, who interviewed the premier on the final day of the tenth anniversary of Fratelli d’Italia. In turn, Bortone will sell the early afternoon of Rai1 to Caterina Balivo”.

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