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Renzi: “A hand extended to Meloni? Politics, not a mess. Yes to the premiership”

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Renzi: “A hand extended to Meloni? Politics, not a mess. Yes to the premiership”

Matteo Renzi, press conference in the Chamber

Reforms, Renzi: “A hand extended to Meloni? It’s politics, not a mess”

“Citizens elect the head of government as they elect the mayor. It’s not just my proposal: it’s the commitment that the Third Pole, all united, has put into the programme. It is about returning power to the ‘citizen arbitrator’ as Ruffilli called it. It is useless to complain about abstention if one then goes to vote and his vote does not count. Think of the last Spanish election, for example. Directly electing the premier means defending the institutions in a moment of crisis of democracy in the world”. Matteo Renzi, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, returns to his proposal for the direct election of the prime minister.

Is it a hand extended to Meloni? “On the reforms – replies the leader of Italia viva – we work together, majority and opposition. When I was premier they made the reform fail just to attack me: I won’t do like them. When Meloni was in opposition she attacked me every day about the euro, NATO, drilling, immigration. I am and remain in opposition to this government, but if you have changed your mind on these issues, I am happy. It’s not called messing up, it’s called politics.”

To those who point out Calenda’s no to the direct election of the prime minister, Renzi replies: “The electoral program of the Third Pole was signed by Calenda, not me. There was the direct election of the prime minister. By dint of changing his mind, Carlo also denies himself”.

As for the criticisms of the leader of Azione because Boschi, Bonifazi and Nobili went to dinner with Santanchè, “the world is falling apart from Niger to Ukraine. Rising prices bring the middle class to its knees. Europe is at a crossroads: either the dream of the founding fathers is relaunched or dies. Faced with these problems, he will allow me not to be interested in Bonifazi’s or Richetti’s dinners. Everyone – Renzi reiterates – goes to dinner with whoever they want. Attacking allies for a dinner doesn’t seem farsighted or even liberal to me. I fight against sovereignists and populists, Calenda attacks me. It’s her problem: I wanted him to be a minister, ambassador, candidate of the Third Pole. If after ten years of collaboration – he concludes – he believes that the political fact on which to characterize himself is the Capalbio-Twiga derby, it is his problem ”.

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