Home » “Scurdammoce ‘o past”, Meloni-Macron: peace made, alliance forced

“Scurdammoce ‘o past”, Meloni-Macron: peace made, alliance forced

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“Scurdammoce ‘o past”, Meloni-Macron: peace made, alliance forced

Emmanuel Macron and Giorgia Meloni

Meloni-Macron, one needs the other and vice versa

In the end, after many pushes and pulls, Macron and Meloni met yesterday evening on the sidelines of the European Council, and the face-to-face dialogue lasted the beauty of an hour and a half. Impossible to know what exactly the two said to each other, but it is clear that both Meloni and above all Macron realized that a rapprochement between the two was needed. The topics on the agenda are too hot, starting with the migrants to get state aid and the energy transition, to be able to think of continuing in this cloying pointless controversy, if not feed the headlines of the newspapers always looking for the background. Of the two, who currently appears in a weaker position is Emmanuel Macron (who, not surprisingly, promoted the meeting).

The approval of his pension reform it is literally setting fire to Paris and major French cities. If the French president must certainly be recognized as having a certain amount of courage in this will to move forward despite the harsh protests, it is clear that this move of his, in addition to bringing together Le Pen’s right wing and Mélenchon’s extreme left in a transversal way, a more unique than rare case, is certainly further weakening a president, who already has to come to terms with a patched-up majority in parliament.

And it is precisely because of what the president had to force his hand and skip Parliament (to avoid the risk and shame of a probable rejection) in approving the pension law. Certainly during the meeting the two will have faced the economic crisis that is upsetting Tunisia, waiting for a providential aid from the IMF and which can only have repercussions on migratory flows towards Europe.

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