Home » Short-term rentals, the government’s war on B&Bs. Minimum two nights or heavy fines

Short-term rentals, the government’s war on B&Bs. Minimum two nights or heavy fines

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Short-term rentals, the government’s war on B&Bs.  Minimum two nights or heavy fines

Short-term rentals close to the historic centers of Rome, Milan, Florence and Venice

Il government decided to declare war on the short rentals in the historical centres. The Minister of Tourism Santanchè is preparing a Bill ad hoc, it will no longer be possible to stay for less than two nights. Also arriving – reads the Messenger – a national identification code which will be shown on the portals and at the entrance of the rented houses. expected many until 5 thousand euros for the scoundrels. Green light also to the recognition of the figure of property manager, which from now on will do business with a tailor-made Ateco code. With this measure, Minister Daniela Santanchè aims to provide a uniform framework at national level ea protect historic centres.

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In 2022 – continues the Messenger – short-term rentals generated approx 11 billion GDP in terms of direct value of bookings and approx 44 billion related activities. Thus the bill: “The minimum duration of the lease for tourism purposes cannot be less than two nightswith the exception of the hypothesis in which the lessee is made up of a large family nucleus made up of at least one parent and three children“. The mayors of Municipalities with more than five thousand inhabitants placed in the high and very high tourist density class, according to the surveys carried out by Istat, will be able to apply the limitation. Common interested are about a thousand.

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