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Sold out Boat Show, double ticket sales

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Sold out Boat Show, double ticket sales

The online sale of entrance tickets for the Genoa Boat Show, the 62nd edition of which it will be held from 22 to 27 September next, for the first time with the political elections in between (25 September). The ticket sales figure is added to the sold outfrom June, reservations for exhibitors, with the opening of the waiting list.

“Tickets – explains the president of Confindustria nautica, Saverio Cecchi, who is also at the helm of” I saloni nautici “, the company controlled by the association that organizes the event – are also positively affected by the greater air of freedom that reigns compared to Covid” .

A sector with a turnover of 6 billion

The Salone, echoes the mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, “this year has a particularly interesting perspective. We have just learned from Confindustria nautica that the sector, at national level, will close with about 30% more revenues than last year and will reach 6 billion in turnover. This is good news: the sector has really had a big boost and is one of the fastest growing in Italy. The Salone, then, always represents an opportunity for the city, from the point of view of tourism ».

Genoa tourist and business destination

Genoa, adds the mayor, «continues to show improvements and the summer of this year, which is giving great satisfaction from the point of view of tourist presences, has contributed to ensuring that the city is increasingly ready to host. This improvement has already been perceived, compared to the situation felt during the salons 10-15 years ago, by those who come from outside. The visit to the Nautico can be an opportunity to spend several days in Genoa. We rely heavily on this. Sure the city should have more hotels, but we’re working on it. There will be a hotel in the former Hennebique grain silo (undergoing redevelopment, ndr) and another in the complex of the new Levante waterfront (under construction, designed by Renzo Piano, ndr). In short, the receptivity of Genoa is increasing, not only from the point of view of food & beverage, but also as regards the hotel industry ».

Ocean race present at the Show

At the Salone, among other things, Bucci underlines, “there will be the stand of the Ocean race (the international regatta around the world, ndr) which will leave Alicante in January 2023 and whose final stop will be in Genoa, the last 10 days of June. And Genoa will be present in all eight cities where the race will stop. In the meantime, obviously, we are preparing the grand finale here, on which we have collected a lot of interest, both on the sporting side and from the tourist point of view; and now there is also the high patronage of the President of the Republic ».

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