Home » Still no all-clear for gas supply in winter: Newspaper for municipal economy

Still no all-clear for gas supply in winter: Newspaper for municipal economy

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Still no all-clear for gas supply in winter: Newspaper for municipal economy

Full storage lasts for two to three months

“Wirtschaftsweise” Veronika Grimm also warned that the gas supply could definitely become tight again – despite the liquid gas terminals that have been built in the meantime. “There are still countries in Europe that purchase Russian gas, and if the supply were to be cut off, we would have to rush to help,” the economist told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “What was true for last winter is also true for this winter. And one can hope that things will go smoothly again.” Ideally, the population would be “sensitized in a similar way to last year – and then heat more sparingly”.

The gas storage facilities compensate for fluctuations in consumption and thus form a buffer system for the market. In winter, the filling levels usually decrease, after the end of the heating period they increase again. According to earlier information from the Federal Government, the amount of natural gas stored in the reservoirs at 100 percent level corresponds to the consumption of two to three average cold winter months. (dpa/hil)

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