Home » That’s why vegans have had to wait a year for the vegan egg

That’s why vegans have had to wait a year for the vegan egg

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That’s why vegans have had to wait a year for the vegan egg

“Not satisfied with the first results”: That’s why vegans have had to wait a year for Migros ice cream to return

First, a missing spare part brought production to a standstill. Production is now up and running again – but the plant-based eggs do not yet meet Migros’ requirements.

The vegetable Migros egg consists of soy protein.

Picture: Sebastian Lavoyer

Anyone who launches a new product with superlatives such as “world novelty” and “sensation” has to be measured against it. This did not stop Migros from advertising its egg alternative “The Boiled” in November 2021 with precisely these grandiose terms. This is now taking its revenge: vegans have been looking in vain for the plant-based egg on the shelves for a year. An unparalleled marketing flop for the wholesaler.

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