Home » The Capitol has censored the documentary on vaccine adverse effects

The Capitol has censored the documentary on vaccine adverse effects

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The Capitol has censored the documentary on vaccine adverse effects


Following the success of the documentary throughout Italy INVISIBLEwhich opens the discussion on the adverse effects of the vaccine, the Listen to me Committee, Ali Avvocati Liberi and Playmastermovie had decided to organize an event-debate on the subject in the Campidoglio, the seat of the municipal administration of Rome.

To break down one last barrier, that of the reluctance of the institutions to accept a dutiful confrontation with citizens, even now that the state of emergency from Covid-19 is now behind us.

Thanks to the support of Fabrizio Santori, group leader of the Lega to the Capitoline council, the hall of the Protomoteca del Campidoglio was requested on 18 January 2023 for a screening of INVISIBILI on 13 February, with the methods that have already received the patronage on other occasions of some Italian municipalities.

Therefore, on 1 February, the Listen to Me Committee officially invited the Medical Directors of the main Roman hospitals to have a presence and a free and constructive debate, the Mayor and all the City Councilors of Rome were also officially invited.

We remind you that the Committee has always asked for treatment with dedicated clinics in the public service that do not exist to date.

Well, on 2 February the Capitoline Council with resolution no. 38 deemed it appropriate to change the salt concession regulation, so as a result of this the refusal to use the Hall quickly arrived on 6 February.

The Council has seen fit to approve with an “ad hoc” resolution, a new discipline for the use of the rooms, according to which it is possible that the use of the spaces is denied in the event of delicate issues and the subject of strong contrasts, as could check for the proposed event, which touches on topics that raise perplexities on recent legislative interventions deemed legitimate by the constitutional court.

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With this trick, the screening of the INVISIBLE documentary within an institutional space was effectively prohibited, thus creating a precedent that could be adopted by other municipal councils.

In doing so, a documentary was opposed which, far from drawing conclusions from a scientific point of view (the contribution of the doctors interviewed is based on reading the Ema and Aifa data), does nothing but give voice to the testimonies of citizens who have found serious pathologies following the inoculation of the COVID-19 vaccine and who have been denied diagnosis and treatment.

“Alongside the appropriate legal measures (which are being taken in these hours and on which we will provide constant updates), we at the Listen to Me Committee, Ali Avvocati Liberi and Playmastermovie – reads a widespread press release – who have spent ourselves on the organization of an event aimed at giving citizens back a moment of dialogue, confrontation, acceptance, we hope that the right echo will be given to these very serious facts that try once again to silence those who have gone through, and are still going through, significant difficulties ” .

They therefore ask genuinely independent information sites for support in spreading the message of the press release with all the means deemed most suitable (services, articles, videos or dedicated posts) and associations and groups intending to organize a screening-debate of INVISIBILI, of consider wherever possible the involvement of institutions (use of municipal spaces, request for patronage, invitation from civil and health authorities).

They also inform that, despite the obstacles, the dissemination commitment undertaken on the occasion of the INVISIBLE event in the Campidoglio will be maintained, albeit in different ways from those originally defined.

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In fact, again on 13 February at 7.30 pm in Piazza Campitelli 9 in Rome, a press conference is scheduled to which all the newspapers who are interested in accepting the appeal of those who, bearers of uncomfortable truths, are risking be reduced to an invisibility status.

As well as citizenship which, in the face of an awareness of the progressive and inexorable cancellation of rights inherent to the human being as such, still feels the strong determination to make its voice heard, in a united front.

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