Home » The Festival of Economics kicks off in Trento. Schlein: “Full availability to the government for interventions in Emilia Romagna”

The Festival of Economics kicks off in Trento. Schlein: “Full availability to the government for interventions in Emilia Romagna”

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The Festival of Economics kicks off in Trento.  Schlein: “Full availability to the government for interventions in Emilia Romagna”

ROMA – “Let’s not wait for the next tragedy for a major intervention in support of national security. This is not the time for exploitation: on our part there is full willingness to work together with the government”. From the stage of the Festival of Economics in Trento, the secretary of the Pd Elly Schein launches an appeal to the government for all the necessary interventions to support families, businesses and areas affected by the flood in Emilia Romagna.

Schlein is among the protagonists of the first day, together with the EU Commissioner for the Economy Paul Gentiloni this morning they are among the most awaited protagonists of the first day of the Festival of Economics, in Trento from today until Sunday. The eighteenth edition of the event of the Autonomous Province of Trento, organized by the 24Ore Group, will count this year on the participation of 19 ministers, from the premier herself Giorgia Meloni, 90 speakers from the academic world, 40 economists, 40 managers and entrepreneurs, 6 Nobel prizes. The themes range from the economy to geopolitics, with a large space reserved for shows, artists from Pojana to Miriam Leone and Luca Zingaretti will take turns on stage.

Six Nobel Prize winners and 19 ministers for the eighteenth edition of the Festival of Economics

by Rosaria Amato

The theme chosen for this year is “The future of the future. The challenges of a new world“. Today the government representatives who will take turns on stage are the Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone and the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto. But there are many appointments and themes, ranging from the application of new technologies for lawyers to forecasts on the new global geopolitical structures, with the contribution of sir Alex Younger, from 2014 to 2020 head of the British secret intelligence service.

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by our correspondent Rosaria Amato

And between now and the next few days we will talk about the changes in cities, the professions of the future, the digital economy and artificial intelligence, with a strong participation of influencers and experts from the new frontiers of communication. And then energy transition and e-sports, inflation to the stability pact, changes in demography, also in relation to poverty and inequality. Guaranteed a female quota of 37% among the speakers. Space also for the debate on autonomy.

Schein: “Italy should have a more active role in Europe”

“Multilateralism is in a serious crisis. – said the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein at the Trento Economics Festival – We must try together to move towards a new global balance, but I would like a much more active role for Europe. We must be able to build a real common foreign and defense policy, try to build a new multilateralism.And in this I would like Italy to play a more weighty role, but this is not done with the wrong friends, like those who have chosen the government of Giorgia Meloni”.

Schlein, answering questions from the director of Sole24Ore Fabio Tamburini, underlined the unfairness of the Italian tax system, aggravated by the “flat tax which charges self-employed workers 15% and employees 40% for the same income: “It must be fought first of all tax evasion and avoidance, which in European countries is worth 800 billion, but an overall progressiveness of the system must also be introduced. Initially there were 32 brackets, now the system has flattened to 4, to the detriment of the lowest incomes”.

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The secretary of the Democratic Party also stigmatized the government’s decision not to refinance the rent fund, a decision that has affected the weakest families, and has spoken out in favor of the students who contest the expensive housing. On the Pnrr you asked the government to “come to the Chamber to explain what the changes will be, because they have been discussed for months and in the meantime we are losing money!”.

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