Home » Tourism, from the tourist tax in 2023 expected receipts of 678 million euros

Tourism, from the tourist tax in 2023 expected receipts of 678 million euros

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Tourism, from the tourist tax in 2023 expected receipts of 678 million euros

In 2023, national tourist tax collections should reach 678 million with an increase of 9.5% on last year, when they amounted to 619 million with a boom increase of 135.4% on 2021, a year still held back from the pandemic. In 2019, the collection had been 622 million.

A tax active in 1,011 Municipalities

The national JFC Observatory is doing the math on a tax that according to forecasts tourists will pay in 1,011 Municipalities, in addition to the provincial areas of Trento and Bolzano. Among the destinations where you pay for the first time, you go from Bari (which expects to collect around 2 million euros) to Taranto, Caserta, Laveno Mombello, Tarvisio, Chiusaforte, Castiglione Fiorentino, Paola, Bagnoregio, Verghereto, Garbagnate Monastero, Ovada, Manduria, Bagnara Calabra up to Bagni di Lucca where its introduction is still being discussed. After two years of suspension, the tax will be reactivated in Civitanova Marche, while it will also be introduced for the first time in Forte dei Marmi with validity for the summer period, after the institution which took place in 2020, but remained suspended until this year due to Covid-19.

JFC: many tariff increases

«In 2023 the situation relating to the tourist tax will continue to evolve: in fact, there are several Municipalities that will institute the tourist tax for the first time in the current year, but also municipal administrations which, after a few years of suspension, have decided to reactivate it. At the same time, the palmares of those who have decided to increase rates, even considerably, or to extend the period of payment of the tourist tax by guests is truly extensive» says Massimo Feruzzi, sole director of JFC and head of the ‘National observatory on tourist tax. “And unfortunately – he adds – the tendency is also confirmed, by the municipal administrations, of a use of these resources that is not perfectly compliant with the norm and of not being clear in the dissemination of information about the investments made”.

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In Lazio the highest collection (thanks to Rome)

At regional level, the region that collects the most is Lazio – obviously thanks to the presence of Rome – which alone receives 22.4% of the national total, i.e. 138.7 million euros. Veneto follows with over 80 million (of which 31.5 from Venice alone) and 12.9% of the Italian share, then Lombardy and Tuscany with both an 11.7% share, equal to about 73 million head, with Milan collecting approximately 48 million and Florence 42.5.

Old and new gabelles

«Furthermore – concludes Massimo Feruzzi – the guest will be oppressed by old and new gabelles. In addition to the tourist tax, there is in fact the landing fee, which allowed 26 Municipalities to collect around 23 million euros in 2022, but the ticket for tourist buses is also active in 44 Municipalities in Italy, with a estimated at around 143 million euros and also the boarding tax on the air ticket, which will increase in Venice and Naples, and perhaps also in Brindisi. Starting this year, the entrance ticket to Venice will have to be paid, which varies between 3 and 10 euros for day-trippers, as well as soon it will be necessary to pay 2 euros for entrance to be able to see Juliet’s courtyard and balcony in Verona».

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