Home » Traveling to the USA is a trend – the Swiss are drawn back to the USA – News

Traveling to the USA is a trend – the Swiss are drawn back to the USA – News

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Traveling to the USA is a trend – the Swiss are drawn back to the USA – News


The USA is a popular travel destination, in contrast to the dollar. The low exchange rate makes the country even more attractive.

Times Square in New York is currently crowded with tourists from all over the world. Also from Switzerland. Whether it’s a city trip to the Big Apple or round trips to Florida, the Grand Canyon or Death Valley, American sights are currently very popular with Swiss travelers. In June, the number of Swiss tourists increased by 35.6 percent compared to the same month last year.

Travel despite high prices

Such trips are often booked early, in the year before the planned trip. This year, however, early bookers had to dig deep into their pockets, explains Markus Kohli, Managing Director of Knecht Reisen. “The US had high inflation. Prices have risen sharply, also because Americans have been traveling within the country as they have not been able to travel abroad. That raised the prices.”

Legend: Swiss people also want to stroll more often in Times Square in New York. Imago/Leco Viana

But according to Markus Kohli, even the high prices do not deter travel enthusiasts. The pent-up demand for trips abroad is still great after the corona restrictions.

Dollar significantly weaker

The dollar has weakened significantly against the Swiss franc since the beginning of the year and is currently at 86 centimes. Pleasant for travelers like Irma Baumann. “The overnight stays are certainly very expensive here in New York, especially in Manhattan, and there are five of us. So yes, you can tell. The course suits us well there.”

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Stefan Gasser was also pleasantly surprised by the weak dollar: «I had the exchange rate of one to one in mind and am now surprised by the prices that you get here. And if you can then deduct 14 percent, that’s still cool.”

But it’s not just the weaker currency that makes the USA more attractive as a destination country again. In May of this year, the USA was one of the last countries to lift vaccination requirements for travelers entering the country. Together with the weak dollar, this has convinced many last-minute holidaymakers to vacation in the USA. Markus Kohli also confirms this: “We are noticing, above all, that we are still getting bookings at short notice for the summer holidays or for autumn. Especially from families. So far they have been a bit reluctant because of the high price level.”

More expensive trips are popular

Even without the good exchange rate, many US travelers from Switzerland are willing to spend more money this year, explains Markus Kohli. “We can clearly see that our customers are spending more on their trips, significantly more in the double-digit range. This has to do with the fact that they have partly saved up for the trips and now want to treat themselves to something. We see this particularly in flight classes. Business class or even first class is more likely to be booked and longer trips are booked, and higher quality hotels are booked.”

Switzerland’s desire to travel has returned and the fascination with the land of unlimited opportunities is unbroken. Therefore, many more planes will probably take off in the direction of the USA.

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