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Ukraine, Blinken: “China ready to supply weapons to Kiev”

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Ukraine, Blinken: “China ready to supply weapons to Kiev”

Ukraine war, Blinken: “China will supply weapons to Russia”

The Chinese plans to deliver arms to Russia to support its offensive in Ukraine: the US secretary of state said Antony Blink, after meeting Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in Munich yesterday. “We talked about Russia’s war and the concerns we have that China plans to provide lethal support to Russia,” Blinken said in an interview with CBS. To a more precise question about what this would actually imply, the head of American diplomacy replied: “mainly weapons“.

War in Ukraine, Zelensky’s adviser: “We are waiting for Meloni, grateful for your help”

The priority for the Kiev government is that “there is no second anniversary of the war“: said, interviewed by Lucia Annunziata in Half an hour more a few days after the first anniversary of the start of the Russian invasion, the adviser to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, Dasha Zarivna. “The support of Western countries should be considered an investment, because Russia will not stop and after Ukraine it would be the turn of the Baltic countries or Poland”, he added. “We are defending our land and our land, it’s not something we started. What we need is effective help to punish the aggressor.” In the meantime “we are waiting for Meloni and we will be very happy to welcome her. We are grateful for what you, the government and all the Italian people are doing to support and support Ukraine.”

Ukraine war, Borrell reiterates his yes to Kiev’s entry into the EU

New round of interventions at the Munich Security Conferencewhere the main European and other heads of state met to discuss of the war in Ukraine: the ways in which it will continue, one year after the outbreak of fighting; but, above all, the prospects of truceil cease-fire that silences the weapons and opens to one peace negotiation between the conflicting parties. The head of European diplomacy spoke today, Joseph Borrellwho asked to accelerate and increase military aid to Ukraine and reiterated that he is in favor of Kiev joining the European Union.

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“We arm Ukraine because war is a great existential challenge for our safety. Zelensky and Ukraine don’t have enough ammunition but they have enough motivation,” Borrell noted in a speech before a panel discussion at the Munich security conference. “We must do more and faster, we must speed up our military aid to Europe. All the European leaders have said here that Russia cannot win the war, that Ukraine must win the war: we must turn words into deeds.”

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