Home » Who is Carlo Cottarelli, the economist that the Democratic Party has finally freed itself from

Who is Carlo Cottarelli, the economist that the Democratic Party has finally freed itself from

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Who is Carlo Cottarelli, the economist that the Democratic Party has finally freed itself from

Carlo Cottarelli (LaPresse)

Pd, Cottarelli announces not only the exit from the Pd but from the Senate. The comment

The secretariats of world governments they had a bad weekend. What ever happened, one wonders? Morning nuclear explosions in war zones? China-US tensions over Taiwan? None of this. The bombshell that threw the powerful of the Earth out of bed is another: Carlo Cottarelli resigns. But who is Cottarelli? It is the garrulous question that arises to anyone interested in the fate of humanity. But how? It was from 2013 to 2014”Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the review of public spending”, better known as “mister spending review”, on the recommendation of Enrico Letta.

Graduate Economy in Siena it was mastered as a DVD at the famous School of Economics in London. Since 1988 he has worked for the International Monetary Fund. After being appointed to the IMF executive he left the Italian institutional office. Big professor at Mouthfuls of Milan, owes its fame and its existential problems to the fact that the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to put Salvini and Di Maio on May 28, 2018, he gave him the task of forming a caretaker government which he was forced to give up on May 31. The reason for the renunciation is that: “the conditions for a political government have once again been created”.

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