Home » a strike with high compliance and a negotiation that must “decant” over time

a strike with high compliance and a negotiation that must “decant” over time

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a strike with high compliance and a negotiation that must “decant” over time

The first teaching strike of the Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba (UEPC) had, for the government of Martín Llaryora, an adherence of 64.9%.

The data from the survey released by the Province details that in Córdoba capital the number reached 62.84% while in the interior it was 66.14%.

While the UEPC published that adhesion exceeded 70%.

Meanwhile, a survey by La Voz en la Capital, in several institutions, adherence – on average – reached 80% (both in public and private schools).

In the case of Sadop, which also called for a strike, its general secretary Gerardo Bernardi assured that adherence in private institutions reached 80%.

In any case, and beyond the numbers on compliance, there was no news about an official call to move forward with the salary negotiation that caused the strike. However, the negotiations continue (without transcending them) and the parties have been holding a series of meetings that seek to unblock the conflict.

The Government hopes that the process of assimilating the difficult situation will “decrease” among teachers and that an agreement will be reached.


The teaching union of Córdoba carried out the force measure on Tuesday demanding a recomposition of salaries because, they maintain, both Llaryora and Javier Milei “have generated an unprecedented loss of salary.”

The disagreement caused the different teaching assemblies, last week, to call for a strike that took place this Tuesday. In Córdoba capital, there was a mobilization through the Center in a rally that began at 10 at the union headquarters (which was estimated at 25 thousand participants).

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The columns of teachers generated disruptions and traffic problems in all the surrounding streets. The greatest impact was felt on Colón Avenue and the Patio Olmos area, the culmination of the protest.

“It is time to tell the Governor: enough speeches. Teachers need a superior proposal in accordance with the situation in which we find ourselves,” said Roberto Cristalli, general secretary of the UEPC.

Furthermore, he added: “They have to compensate for what they did not give us last year and the loss of Fonid, because the salaries of teachers in Córdoba have already lost 10%.”

In relation to the pension situation, Cristalli stressed that the Government’s proposal has to include the Fonid for retirees and the elimination of salary deferral.

Teachers from Córdoba stop and move through the city center. (The voice)

As follows

“There is nothing official for now,” they said from the UEPC regarding a call for a new meeting with the Province. Although, in voiceover, they acknowledge that they expect a call between Wednesday and Thursday.

“The dialogue with the UEPC leaders is permanent,” they stated from the Panal.

In any case, informal meetings have been taking place in recent days. During the weekend, for example, meetings took place, and in the last hours the discussions continued.

The union demands, in addition to a better salary proposal, the immediate compliance with the Paritaria 2023 (Llaryora what was signed by Juan Schiaretti regarding the inflation trigger), the elimination of the deferral, the restitution of the Fonid to retirees and completing the securitization of teachers (PIT, Proa, course coordination and higher level).

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In addition, maintain the elimination of articles 3 and 4 on the Item “teaching professionalism” and improve Apross services.

The increase proposal, which was made up of a mix between the payment of half of the previous month’s inflation plus the suspension of discounts and “caps” and the generalization of additional payments, was rejected by a simple majority and classified as “insufficient” by the union and its new leadership.

The Llaryora government says that it is the most they could offer in terms of salary. “Our intention is to move forward with a consensus agreement, in which in addition to the salary, teachers have other improvements, such as the modification of the ceiling for teaching positions,” a Government source explained this Tuesday.

Without a new offer from the Executive at the salary level, on Thursday there will be a new assembly called by UEPC, where teachers will analyze the way forward.

Martín Llaryora, governor of Córdoba. (The voice)

“This will be an assimilation process that will gradually settle. The Government made the numbers it can pay transparent to the union leaders. We know decision-making is different in the UEPC and that there is not as much verticality as in other unions. And we know that in many cases, such as the removal of Fonid, the Province is expected to take responsibility for a decision by Javier Milei. And that is not possible,” they added from the Honeycomb.

In this context, the Llaryora administration will study, from Economy, the chance of some salary change. Although, they anticipated, there are not many possibilities.

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The union is the only one in the provincial State that did not sign the joint agreement in January. The problem, they say in the Llaryora administration, is that the proposal to teachers could not be higher than the one already signed because it should be extended to the rest of the state teachers, something that would complicate the provincial coffers, in the midst of the struggle with the Nation.

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