Home » Assassination attempt: Cristina Kirchner asked to suspend the trial

Assassination attempt: Cristina Kirchner asked to suspend the trial

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Assassination attempt: Cristina Kirchner asked to suspend the trial

The complaint that represents the vice president Cristina Kirchner ordered this Wednesday May 31 suspend the trial for the attempted assassination he suffered on September 1, 2022. In addition, he criticized the prosecutor Carlos Rivolo and demanded New measures in the cause.

The brief was filed by the lawyers José Manuel Ubeira and Marcos Aldazabal and pointed at the prosecutor, who decided to give up investigation stage closed and send to trial the only three detainees for attacking the head of the Senate: Fernando Sabag Montiel, Brenda Uliarte and Nicolás Carrizo.

“We have come to point out extremely relevant information for this case and to request the urgent production of evidence. It is evident that the evidence produced in the ‘Federal Revolution’ case reinforces what was said by this party when opposing the elevation to trial: new evidence appears every day, this case is in full process and submitting it is nothing more than consecrate impunity“said the lawyers.

The Justice included the neighbor of Cristina Kirchner in the investigation of the members of the Federal Revolution

“On May 29, the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the elevation of the case to trial.

Incredibly, two business days earlier, evidence of central importance was added to the file, which the public prosecutor ignored,” they added.

Fernando Sabag Montiel, Brenda Uliarte and Nicolás Carrizo.

Cristina Kirchner asked that the Federal Revolution be investigated

They also indicated that on May 23 “Court number 8 of the jurisdiction forwarded a report prepared by the DATIP (General Directorate of Investigations and Technological Support for Criminal Investigation) in the case known as ‘Federal Revolution’.”

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And they continued: “This report was produced based on a request from the 11th Prosecutor’s Office for an analysis of all the seized devices in that file.”

Regarding the report, they remarked that “the information extracted from the Google Drive of Jonathan Morelone of the leaders of the Federal Revolution” and as a result “the Illegal financing of the Caputo family to the violent and anti-democratic group Revolución Federalbrochures with threats to the Vice President of the Nation, queries of CUITs from different people, including Cristina Fernández de Kirchner“.

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In turn, the lawyers mentioned “a conversation between Jonathan Morel and ‘dali revolution‘” to emphasize that the latter mentions that it has “a 9mm pistol” and that “he wants to use it in the ‘bullet activity’“.

“Surprisingly, the prosecutor did not delve into the report sent by Court number 8 in the slightest and advanced with the elevation of the case to trial. The most meager inquiry in the conversation allows us to see the seriousness of this action,” they pointed out.

Jonathan Morel
The leader of the Federal Revolution, Jonathan Morel.

The lawyers requested evidence after describing calls of relevance to the case, Ubeira and Aldazabal requested evidence as cross-contacts and raids used in the investigation.

In this way, they requested that these measures be made effective, the elevation to trial be suspended and, in addition, that the federal case reservation be presented.

“Given that an adverse solution to what is requested by this party would imply violating constitutional rights, in a cause of enormous institutional gravity, we reserve the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and, if necessary, to international rights organizations. humans”, they expressed about their last request.

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