Home » Classes begin with a CTERA strike due to national joint ventures that will affect several provinces

Classes begin with a CTERA strike due to national joint ventures that will affect several provinces

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Classes begin with a CTERA strike due to national joint ventures that will affect several provinces

The teachers grouped in the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) will carry out this Monday a national strike, at the beginning of classes in several provinces and on the day before the central government call to “agree on the national framework agreement for the minimum teacher salary” together with the Ministers of Education of all the districts and the unions of the sector.

The measure of force driven by CTERAone of the five teaching unions nationwide, will last 24 hoursas established by the union confederation in the extraordinary congress held this Thursday.

According to the official school calendar, the jurisdictions that will kick off the school year this Monday are the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Mendoza, San Luis and Santa Fe.

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In such a way, Classes in those jurisdictions will be affected by the national strike and the mobilization of teachers of the Confederation of Education Workers in rejection of the suspension of national joint agreements and the non-sending of the Nation items for the Teacher Incentive Fund (Fonid) and the Salary Compensation Fund. Also due to cuts in national funding for educational programs.

The CTERA will strike anyway, although it will also participate in the negotiation

The measure of force was voted last Thursday in an extraordinary congress with representatives from all over the country, where It was warned about “the serious situation that public education is going through in its provinces.”

The unions had been insisting on the need to carry out a joint body at the national level with the Governmentbut the Libertarian Government rejected that it could be carried out by delegating responsibility to the provinces.

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However, finally the national Government summoned the Ministers of Education of all the provinces and the teaching unions with national representation to the headquarters of the Labor Ministry on Tuesday the 27th at 6 p.m. to agree on new salaries.

The Ctera anticipated that they will be present at the meeting even though it lacks the formality of a joint meeting. and that the proposal made there will be analyzed by the union representatives the next day.

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“We are going to go the same because We are interested in discussing and that is what we have been demanding.. Then, on Wednesday we are going to evaluate what happens in the plenary meeting with general secretaries from all over the country,” reported the union secretary, Sonia Alesso.

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After learning of the call from the Executive, four national teaching unions attached to the CGT left the national strike that was going to take place this Monday on hold.

The decision was taken by the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (Sadop), the Argentine Teachers’ Union (UDA), the Association of Technical Teaching Teachers (AMET) and the Confederation of Argentine Educators (CEA), since they hope that the meeting will be framed in the national parity law and that the government will listen to the sector’s claims.

These teaching unions ratified this Sunday, in a statement, the decision to open the waiting period, but expressed: “We unrestrictedly support forceful measures due to conflicts and provincial claims“.

The note was signed by Sara García (AMET), Fabián Felman (CEA), Marina Jaureguiberry (Sadop) and Sergio Romero (UDA).

The unions had also anticipated that “until then, we remain in a state of alert and mobilization”, given the possibility that the call is a delaying maneuver. In fact, the meeting will take place one day after the start date of the school year, scheduled in more than a third of the country for next Monday.

What was the government call like?

Two weeks before the scheduled date for the school year, Javier Milei’s government had said that there was no definition regarding the call for a national teaching partnership. Through the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, the president “reminded” that teachers’ salaries depend on the jurisdictions, in the midst of the fight with the governors after the rejection of the omnibus law.

Jorge Macri assured the start of classes in CABA and said that they would discount the day for those who adhere to the strike

“The national teaching parity is not such, it does not exist. The teaching workers of Argentina depend on each province and the city of Buenos Aires, and they are free to agree with them on the salary that they intend or consider fair to be able to start classes “Adorni had stated.

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Given the danger of the start of classes, finally the Secretariat of Labor, Employment and Social Security of the Ministry of Human Capital, in charge of Omar Yasin, He called the unions to discuss the joint agreement. Something he did after the teaching unions called a general strike.

“What they didn’t do in 4 years they want to do in 2 months”Yasín stated this Thursday, in dialogue with Radio Rivadavia. However, later the news was announced that there was an agreement with the unions grouped under the CGT, which ended up lifting the force measure in response to the call for a meeting to discuss the minimum teacher salary, framed in article 10 of the Law. of Educational Financing (No. 26,075).

When do classes start in each province

Classes will begin this Monday in CABA, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Mendoza, San Luis and Santa Fe.

The schools of La Rioja, meanwhile, will begin classes on Tuesday; in Santa Cruz they will begin on Thursday and on Friday the 1st the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán will do so.

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The calendar will be completed with the start of classes on Monday, March 4 at Chaco, Chubut, Misiones, San Juan, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca and Neuquénto which are added Jujuy and Saltawhich were going to start this Monday but postponed the date.

For its part, Black river It will begin its school year on March 11, after a period of intensification that took place from February 14 to 26, it was officially reported.

Despite the threats, the teachers confirmed their support for the strike

In the City of Buenos Aires, the teachers grouped in Ctera and the Buenos Aires union Ademys have already confirmed their participation in the strike, despite the fact that the City Government announced that the day will be discounted.

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Macri stated that “since the strike is outside the law, because there is already a teaching agreement, we are going to deduct the working day from those who adhere to the strike and with that we build a fund that is then distributed to the teachers who do not adhere to the strikes.” “. And he considered that it will be a “good way to encourage those who are willing to be in class.” The decision was also supported by the Deputy Head of Government of the city of Buenos Aires, Clara Muzzio, despite the confirmation of the forceful measure by Ctera and Ademys.

Meanwhile, the Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba (Uepc), which brings together the state teachers of that State, decided to “go to the national strike and mobilization on Monday”, while private teachers unions will carry out normal activity.

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In Santa Fe, the state (Amsafe) and private (Sadop) teachers unions announced that they will not start classes this Monday – as planned -, rejecting the salary increase proposed by Maximiliano Pullaro’s government of 7% starting in March . A similar position of rejection of the salary offer with strike and mobilization starting next week was adopted by the private teachers union.

The teaching unions of Corrientes, San Luis and Mendoza also called for a strike of activities at the beginning of the school year.

In Formosa, Governor Gildo Insfrán will inaugurate the school year this Monday in a school in the Laishí Department, while the provincial union Teachers Self-convoked announced the adhesion to the Ctera strike “but carrying our provincial demand and demanding that the national centers and unions continue fighting actions,” he indicated.

Entre Ríos educators from the Entre Ríos Teachers’ Union Association (Agmer) and the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (Sadop) announced their support for Monday’s national strike and denounced “harassment and persecution” by the provincial government.

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