Home » DDG Spoils Halle Bailey with Lavish Christmas Gifts Worth $500,000

DDG Spoils Halle Bailey with Lavish Christmas Gifts Worth $500,000

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DDG Spoils Halle Bailey with Lavish Christmas Gifts Worth $500,000

Disney’s Little Mermaid star Halle Bailey was showered with lavish gifts by her boyfriend, rapper DDG, this Christmas. In a series of Snapchat posts, DDG showed off the extravagant presents he gave Bailey, including a Tiffany & Co. HardWear solid gold bracelet valued at USD 12,700 and an Hermès Birkin bag, which can range in price from $13,000 to $40,000. Bailey was visibly moved by the gifts and promised to wear and show them off all the time.
The couple’s relationship has been going strong since they began dating in November 2021, with Bailey confessing in an interview that she had been a fan of DDG’s work for years. “I have been a fan of his for years. I grew up on YouTube and always watched young black creators and was constantly inspired by them. He was one of them,” Bailey shared in the interview.

The romance between the two started before they met in person, with Bailey admitting that she lost track of the rapper for a few years before hearing his music again and being drawn to it. “He coincidentally sent me a message… and the rest is history,” Bailey said.

The couple’s extravagant gifts to each other this Christmas show that their love is stronger than ever, and fans can’t wait to see what’s next for the pair.

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