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Eight art and design masters blow the number of innovative art shows in Shanghai_TOM ENTERTAINMENT

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Eight art and design masters blow the number of innovative art shows in Shanghai_TOM ENTERTAINMENT

Fearless Future, The Value of Design Special Exhibition Grand Opening

Brilliant life, forward fearlessly.On June 17th, the 2023 RABOR International Public Art and Design Season – The Value of Design Special Exhibition was grandly opened in Shanghai Songjiang Yunbao Future City with the theme of “Fearless Future”.The exhibition is co-hosted by Shanghai University International Public Art Research Institute and Brand China Group, guided by Shanghai Creative Design Workers Association and Shanghai Industrial Design Association, co-organized by Art and Design Magazine and Yunbao Future City.

As the chief strategic partner, Cadillac participated in the exhibition with its first pure electric model LYRIQ. The exhibition invited eight designers and artists, including Jiang Qionger, Yang Mingjie, Xiong Hao, Wang Yang, Li Wei, Chen Liang, Qin Ling, and Zhang Hong, to cut in from the perspectives of public art and design, art design and industrial design. The fields of “painting”, “installation”, “space”, “clothing” and “home furnishing” have shown the public the diversified evolution of modern design.

▲The opening of the special exhibition on the value theme of “Fearless Future” design

Compared with previous art-themed special exhibitions, this exhibition has made a new attempt both in terms of exhibition content and display design. In addition to displaying the design works of designers and artists, according to the theme of this exhibition, art concepts are skillfully combined with product design in life to create a “warm” design culture with a strong sense of life exhibition. At the same time, this exhibition takes time as the context, and reproduces the footprints left by the design in the continuous evolution and development with various display forms such as objects and scenes, so that the audience can thoroughly open up their sensory systems and immerse themselves in the During the exhibition.

Fearless Future – try to think in the design, and have a dialogue with the exhibits from multiple angles

In the field of public life, from small warning signs to large museums and art exhibitions, the value of design is attributed to the sequence of social values, emphasizing public welfare, sharing, fairness, inclusiveness, and versatility. Their existence has created a harmonious and safe atmosphere for us, and the resulting cultural heritage and historical inertia of the entire society have evolved into a sustainable social value and a virtuous circle of innovation.

The theme of this special exhibition on the value of design is “Fearless Future”, discussing how designers make breakthroughs without fear, go far and wide, explore the infinite possibilities of the future in the connection of all things, reshape the ideal life through works, and interpret the design behind value meaning.

Wang Dawei, Dean of the International Public Art Research Institute of Shanghai University, said in his speech: “Designers are the creators and leaders of this era. How to conform to the aesthetics of contemporary people and the current technological form, the eight designers of today’s value-themed special exhibition And the artists gave a very good direction.”

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Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Mr. Wang Dawei, Dean of Shanghai University International Academy of Public Art, delivered a speech

Modern design does not stand out of thin air. This process is not only a process of violent collisions and changes in society, technology, life, and ideological trends, but also a process of changing times and generations of thoughtful creators working hard to explore and solve problems. At present, the boundary between design and art is gradually becoming blurred, the integration of art and industry, or the inclusiveness of art and public space, etc. Such cross-border thinking and integrated aesthetic innovation make us Be able to think about problems in real life and production from a broader perspective and propose creative solutions, dare to break and stand up, continuously expand the territory of modern design, and inject new vigor and vitality.

Everyone is yearning for a better life, and exploring the essence of life is also the highest state advocated by design. Only by realizing the integration of design and life can we better base ourselves on the present and look forward to the future. This exhibition attempts to unravel the cocoons in the process of integration, try to interpret the value and meaning behind the design, and explore the meta-level relationship between design and life, hoping to bring this grand idea involving multiple fields and levels of thought The topics are disassembled, and then continuously reorganized and collaged, so that the public can explore new thinking dimensions, obtain more emotional resonance related to design and a comfortable and self-consistent lifestyle.

Ni Weiyuan, president of Shanghai Industrial Design Association, said: “In this dynamic and creative industry, we believe that the value of design has gone far beyond the surface of products and services, and then affects the social economy and cultural life at a deep level. Everywhere.”

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Speech by Mr. Ni Weiyuan, President of Shanghai Industrial Design Association

Talking about the in-depth cooperation between Cadillac and the value-themed special exhibition of this design, Mr. Liu Zhen, Cadillac brand director, said: “Cadillac is a century-old luxury brand. Works of art and industry, art and science. The founder of Cadillac believes that cars should not be provided just for the convenience of travel, but should be the embodiment of consumers’ personalization. LYRIQ is Cadillac’s first pure electric model, and it is also a GM The first model built on the pure electric vehicle of Autoneng. Cadillac believes that in the field of pure electric vehicles, cars are still not only used as point-to-point means of transportation, but also the embodiment of individuality, so this model also condenses many design elements .”

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Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Mr. Liu Zhen, Cadillac Brand Director, delivered a speech

Visual Atlas – Immersive viewing of the exhibition, presenting the journey trajectory of modern design in an all-round way

This special exhibition of the value of design invites 8 well-known designers and artists in the industry to present to the audience from the fields of “painting”, “installation”, “space”, “clothing”, “home furnishing”, “industry and technology” and so on. It shows the evolution of diversified forms of modern design. Among them, some of the works displayed in the exhibition are not lacking in some ordinary things we usually see, but through the artist’s ingenuity, they bring people a new artistic enjoyment.

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲ Ms. Jiang Qionger, a participating designer/artist, gave a live sharing on the theme of “Fearless Exploration, Inheritance and Innovation”

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Mr. Yang Mingjie, a designer participating in the exhibition, shared the theme of “The Disappearing Boundary”

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Mr. Xiong Hao, a designer participating in the exhibition, gave an on-site sharing on the topic of “device field”

The “Big World” furniture series and the “Bridge” series of tea sets with oriental aesthetics created by the famous artist and designer Jiang Qionger interpret the oriental philosophy and aesthetics of the unity of man and nature from the perspective of contemporary art; industrial designer Yang Mingjie focuses on Humanities, his “air” series of sofas and Y-bracket multi-functional home and display systems, etc., change life in the open and close; product designer Xiong Hao not only brought the black Song Art Bonsai also brought home appliances that won the Red Dot Design Award and contain future technologies;

Wang Yang, a cross-border designer, is committed to the digital interpretation and innovative application of traditional Chinese art. The large-scale suspension device customized for this exhibition and the innovative interpretation of daily necessities bring different aesthetic experiences to the viewers; Wei is an innovative combination of clothing design concept and car styling design, custom-made “warm wind” series clothing, coupled with the installation art named “Flora”, to build a unique psychological landscape on the exhibition site, which makes people yearn for;

Artist Chen Liang is a life designer who listens to the world. He recently designed and created the work “Heart” for Bulgari brand. I hope that in this exhibition, the functional area created by him with traditional concepts combined with modern technical methods is composed of multiple pieces of furniture, furniture, and artwork, which is both functional and artistic, and realizes interesting projections;

Qin Ling, a contemporary installation artist who focuses on material art, comprehensive application and digital innovation, brought the classic “Parallel Time and Space” series of works. Through the refraction and change of light and color by materials, multi-dimensional images are overlapped to seduce the viewers. Slow down and rethink the relationship between what you see and what is real; the “Untitled” series of acrylic paintings brought by abstract painter Zhang Hong to explore the spiritual space is born from a breakthrough in order. A kind of spiritual sublimation.

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Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲Eight designers/artists at the opening ceremony in Shanghai “Yiqi TALK” about design and art

The works exhibited in this exhibition are all based on the things we are familiar with, and lead us to explore and excavate the uniqueness hidden in them from another perspective and state of mind through breakthroughs, fusions, reconstructions and other artistic methods. Charming, re-acquainted with “familiar things” in an “unfamiliar environment”, this sudden “surprise” is not only a process of gaining a sense of satisfaction and belonging, but also a re-examination of the value of the object itself and the design , and interpreted the theme of the exhibition “Fearless” from multiple angles.

Symbols of the times – along the veins, from creating cars to using cars to create value

In this exhibition, we will also see a very special representative of industrial artwork – Cadillac’s first pure electric model LYRIQ. In 1927, Harley J. Earl, the father of automobile design, created the LaSalle model for Cadillac, which opened a precedent for mass-produced cars designed by professional designers in the automotive field.

Subsequently, Harry Earle took fighter jets as design inspiration, which aroused strong sympathy among people under the background of the era of heroism, and led the upsurge of car tail design. With the advent of the space race, Cadillac once again pioneered the evolution of the tail design elements from “aero” to “aerospace”. The rear wing design of Cadillacs in the past has continuously evolved and made breakthroughs, and sharp lines have been widely used. The in-line taillights, which pay tribute to aerospace heroes, have been passed down as classic symbols to this day.

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

▲ Cadillac’s first pure electric model LYRIQ participated in the exhibition

Cadillac has always adhered to the design philosophy of “art and technology” and the design technique of “diamond cutting”, and the design language of inheriting classics and brave breakthroughs also shines on Ruige.

Whether it is the iconic in-line LED headlights that light up like a meteor shower, or the black crystal grille that is dually blessed with electrification and intelligence-Cadillac is always the most recognizable visual focus in the sea of ​​cars. After more than 120 years of time changes, Cadillac has always moved forward fearlessly, and the avant-garde luxury unique to Cadillac is still shining brightly!

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

Eight art and design masters sounded the gathering number of innovative art shows in Shanghai

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