Home » Ephemeris of April 4: 55 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King

Ephemeris of April 4: 55 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King

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Ephemeris of April 4: 55 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King

1968 – LUTHER KING. The American Baptist pastor and leader of the fight for the civil rights of African-Americans Martin Luther King was shot dead at the age of 39

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It happened when he was giving a speech on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in the city of Memphis (Tennessee, USA). The crime, committed by a white racist who was sentenced to 99 years in prison, sparked a wave of protests and riots in 60 US cities.

Who was Martin Luther King

Michael King Jr was born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929. He was an American pastor of the Baptist Church and an activist who led a crucial civil rights movement for African-Americans.

For his work, which sought to end discrimination and racial segregation in the United States, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

King carried out various peaceful civil rights activities in the United States. Among the best known are the bus boycott in Montgomery in 1955, his support for the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, and his leadership of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in August. from 1963.

It was at the end of this event that he delivered his famous “I have a dream” speech (I have a dream in Spanish), in which he expressed his desire for a future in which black and white people could coexist harmoniously and as equal.

Four years after winning the Nobel Prize, Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, a fact that is considered one of the assassinations of the 20th century. The assassination sparked nationwide race riots in which more than 40 people were killed and entire neighborhoods were destroyed.

Martin Luther King’s last speech

More ephemeris

1823 – CITY OF TANDIL. Brigadier Martín Rodríguez, governor of the province of Buenos Aires, founded the Fort of Independence, the first name of the city of Tandil, head of the homonymous Buenos Aires party.

This was the celebrations for the 200 years of Tandil

1952 – GARY MOORE. The Northern Irish musician and composer Gary Moore (Robert William Gary Moore) is born in the city of Belfast (Northern Ireland), one of the most outstanding guitarists of rock blues and hard rock in an artistic career of four decades that began at the age 16 years old.

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GARY MOORE.  One of the great violinists of modern blues.

1965 – ROBERT DOWNEY JR. American actor and producer Robert Downey Jr, winner of three Golden Globe Awards and famous for his work in the films Iron Man, Chaplin and Sherlock Holmes, was born in New York City (New York, USA).

Robert Downey Jr.

1969 – ARTIFICIAL HEART. The American heart surgeon Denton Cooley and his Argentine colleague Domingo Liotta connected for the first time a mechanical device to the heart of a patient who had suffered a severe cardiac arrest at the Methodist Hospital San Lucas in the city of Houston (Texas, USA), one of the great milestones in medicine. The patient survived four days with artificial heart support.

Domingo Liotta, the Argentine doctor who created the first artificial heart.  (Clarion)

1975 – MICROSOFT CORPORATION. American businessmen Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) and Paul Allen founded the computer giant Microsoft (an acronym for microcomputer and software) in the city of Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA). It is one of the largest providers of operating systems and software for personal computers and servers.

MICROSOFT.  Illustrative image (AP/Ted S. Warren/File).

1979 – HEATH LEDGER. Australian film and television actor Heath Ledger, winner of an Oscar, a BAFTA and a Golden Globe for his iconic portrayal of the Joker in the film Batman, the Dark Knight ( The Dark Knight).

Heath Ledger

1990 – WORSE IS NOTHING. Television Channel 13 broadcasts the first program in the series Peor es nada, hosted by Jorge Guinzburg and in which singer-songwriter and actor Horacio Fontova also stood out. The program, which was later broadcast by the América channel, was one of the great successes of Argentine television in the 1990s.

2000 – GIECO LEON. The musician and singer-songwriter León Gieco performs a recital at the Marambio base in Antarctica as the closing of the live Argentina tour. During the show the thermal reached 46 degrees Celsius below zero.

Leon Gieco.  (Julián Álvarez/Télam)

2007 – CARLOS SOURCE ALBA. The Neuquén teacher Carlos Fuentealba is seriously injured when he was fired at point-blank range by a police officer from the province of Neuquén in a context of abuse of power in the repression of a picket from the teachers’ union ATEN was on strike and cut a route to demand salary increases and improvements in public education.

Image by Carlos Fuentealba, for a documentary on the Encuentro channel.

2012 – TORNADO. A strong storm unleashes four tornadoes that hit most of the towns of Greater Buenos Aires and part of the federal capital, causing the death of 27 people and almost a thousand injuries. It was the most destructive storm recorded in the history of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

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2019 – ALBERTO CORTEZ. At the age of 79, the Argentine poet and singer-songwriter Alberto Cortez (José Alberto García Gallo), author of When a friend leaves and Starting tomorrow, among other popular songs, dies in the town of Móstoles (Madrid, Spain).

2023 – DANGER OF MINES. The International Day of Mine Information and Assistance for Mine Action, instituted by the United Nations, is celebrated.

Illustrative image.

Other ephemeris

1791.- French Revolution. The church of Santa Genoveva, in Paris, becomes the Pantheon of Illustrious Men.

1849.- Austria incorporates Hungary into its empire, which would give rise to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1867.

1884.- Due to the truce treaty of Valparaíso, Bolivia leaves its province of Antofagasta under Chilean law.

1926.- The crew members of the Spanish seaplane “Plus Ultra” return to the Port of Palos (Huelva, southern Spain) after crossing the South Atlantic, the first in the world made with a seaplane.

1933.- The American airship “Ankron”, with 77 people on board, falls into the Atlantic. There are only four survivors.

1939.- Faisal II is crowned King of Iraq, at the age of four, after the death of his father in a car accident.

1944.- Creation of the Industrial Bank of Argentina to face the advance of the country’s industrialization process.

1949.- Signing in Washington of the document creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

1958.- Demonstration of 10,000 people in London against the atomic bomb: the pacifist movement begins.

1969.- First implantation of an artificial heart at the San Lucas Clinic in Houston (USA).

1972.- Hamilton Watch presents the Pulsar P1, the first digital watch.

1973.- Inauguration of the World Trade Center complex in New York.

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1975.- Bill Gates and Paul Allen found the software company Microsoft.

1978.- The Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier receives the Miguel de Cervantes Prize in Madrid.

1979.- Execution of former Pakistani president and prime minister Zulficar Ali Bhutto in Rawalpindi prison.

1983.- Inaugural flight from Cape Canaveral of the Challenger shuttle

1990.- King Baudouin of Belgium temporarily renounces his powers so as not to be forced to sign, against his conscience, the abortion law, approved by the Belgian Chamber.

1992.- The European Monetary Committee approves the incorporation of the Portuguese escudo in the European Monetary System (EMS).

1994.- Peru formalizes its return to the Andean Pact, after almost two years of absence.

1997.- Twenty-one countries of the Council of Europe sign the agreement on Human Rights and Biomedicine in Oviedo, which includes the prohibition of cloning human beings.

1998.- The Vasco de Gama bridge, built for the Lisbon Expo, was inaugurated in Portugal.

2002.- The Angolan government and the rebel National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) sign a peace agreement that puts an end to 27 years of civil war.

2014.- The president of the main Uruguayan public bank (BROU), Fernando Calloia, and the former Minister of Economy Fernando Lorenzo, accused of abuse of duties in the liquidation of the airline Pluna, are prosecuted.

2020.- Eleven miners die in an explosion at a coal mine in Cucunubá, central Colombia.


1914.- Marguerite Duras, French novelist.

1920.- Eric Rohmer (Maurice Scherer), French filmmaker.

1932.- Anthony Perkins, American actor.


– Katherine Neville, American writer.

1949.- Pau Faner, Spanish writer.


1284.- Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castilla y León.

1929.- Carl Benz, inventor of the first automobile with a gasoline engine.

1983.- Gloria Swanson, American actress.

1984.- Oleg Antonov, Russian aircraft designer.

1992.- Vintila Horia, Spanish writer born in Romania.

2019.- Alberto Cortéz, Argentine singer-songwriter.

2020.- Luis Eduardo Aute, Spanish-Filipino singer-songwriter.

– Rafael Callejas, Honduran politician.

2021.- Francisco Haghenbeck, Mexican writer.

Source: own and agencies.

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