Home » Evangelina Anderson on her children’s adaptation to the country: “They feel Argentine”

Evangelina Anderson on her children’s adaptation to the country: “They feel Argentine”

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Evangelina Anderson on her children’s adaptation to the country: “They feel Argentine”

Evangelina Anderson shared details about her children’s adjustment to life in Argentina after several years living in Germany.

In an interview with Intrusos, Anderson expressed his joy at the beautiful family moment they are experiencing in the country and how his three children, the result of his relationship with Martín Demichelis, have adapted positively to this new stage.

When asked about her children’s adjustment to school in Argentina, Anderson admitted to being afraid at first, considering that her children had never lived in the country. However, the model herself was pleasantly surprised to see how well they are doing: “The boys adapted super well. They adapt very quickly, one is afraid of that, because they never lived here and it was a big change. But they always felt Argentine.

Despite the fact that Bastian was born in Germany and his two daughters, Emma and Lola, in Spain, Evangelina highlighted the love that her children feel for Argentina. Even at the international school they attend, they proudly carry the Argentine flag. “In the international school they carry the flag of Argentina. Here is the family and we always kept the ties well together, ”she acknowledged.

Furthermore, Anderson praised his eldest son’s football potential, stating that he sees a promising future in his career. “I see a future for him, he puts a lot of claw into it. He is good and has conditions because he prepares from a very young age, ”he assured.

During the interview, the subject of his enmity with Wanda Nara was also touched on. Evangelina assured that she has not had the opportunity to meet the host of MasterChef, but she affirmed that after so many years, everything is on good terms, especially since both share the upbringing of their children in common.

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At the end of the interview, Anderson commented that he is still adjusting to the move and settling in in Argentina. She recently received her truck with her belongings from Germany, which has kept her busy organizing everything. Despite this, she was very happy with the moment that her family is living in her country of origin.

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