Home » Insecurity: San Francisco also creates a municipal preventive force to help the Police

Insecurity: San Francisco also creates a municipal preventive force to help the Police

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Insecurity: San Francisco also creates a municipal preventive force to help the Police

Preventing crime to a greater extent is one of the most relevant challenges that different towns in the province of Córdoba face today. Among them, San Francisco.

No one doubts that there is a criminal upsurge that even the police authorities themselves recognize. But it ends up admitting many times that human and technical resources are not enough.

In San Francisco, a relevant fact is the recent incorporation of more urban video surveillance cameras, reaching a total of 250, which makes this city in eastern Cordoba -according to its municipality- the one with the largest number of these devices per quantity. of inhabitants counts in the province: one every 264 people.

In this case, it exceeds the international standards that Governor Juan Schiaretti usually talks about when he cites that one camera for every 500 inhabitants would be enough.

To this tool will be added 40 neighborhood community alarms that will be installed shortly. This, added to the fact that San Francisco, in addition to the Córdoba Police, has other forces such as the Federal Police, Eter, the FPA and the National Gendarmerie, which many other cities do not have.

However, it does not seem to be enough to prevent the sequence of thefts, robberies and outbursts that occur daily and for which the neighbors claim.

A “municipal” police force that joins

This week, the Municipality of San Francisco opened the call to those interested in signing up for the Urban Prevention Corps, a preventive and alert arm to detect possible conflicts, avoid violations and maintain a close and trusting relationship with the neighbors.

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“It will be a body that will work on prevention, collaborating with those who are responsible for the prevention, prosecution and punishment of crime, which has to do with the Police of the Province of Córdoba, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judiciary”, highlighted the mayor Damián Bernarte.

In various other cities, similar trials of municipal agents collaborating in security matters have been applied, under various names and with mixed results.

The municipal chief defended his bet, despite criticism from the opposition for the expense that it would imply for the municipal coffers, considering that in recent years San Francisco doubled its urban commons, now having 8,500 hectares.

Last Monday the call was opened to those interested to register, who will then go through a clinical evaluation process. Once they pass this test, those who are shortlisted for the body – between 40 and 50 people – must complete the Diploma in Citizen Security Policies at the National University of Villa María (UNVM).

Regarding training, the dean of the Institute of Social Sciences of the UNVM, Gabriel Suárez, explained that he can contribute to this initiative due to his experience in teaching the Bachelor’s Degree in Public Safety.

Suárez indicated that there is an ambition to generate agents who are dedicated and articulate with the Police, which he defined as “a success” and added that it was an ambitious project: “Security for a municipal government always had to do with lighting, with help with care, but today other tasks are added,” he said.

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San Francisco.  Headquarters of the Police Department of that city (La Voz).

What functions will it have?

Among the functions of this new body that will depend on the municipality will be to notify or alert the Police before detecting a suspicious situation or criminal act, although it will not have the power to act.

In turn, they will work in those places marked on the crime map in a joint and fluid manner with police personnel. It was also clarified that the members of the future Urban Prevention Corps will not carry weapons

When would it start working? The date is not yet known, but the duration of the training will be about three months.

Those interested should register on the website of the Municipality of San Francisco and complete the form. Also in the link that appears on the social networks of the municipality.

Requirements to register

  • Being Argentine, native or by option (nationalized).
  • Do not record criminal or misdemeanor records.
  • Have completed high school.
  • Be between 23 and 33 years old.
  • Possess a qualifying license for a motor vehicle.
  • Complete, as an affidavit, the registration form.
  • Clinical examinations: complete psychophysical and psychological.

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