Home » Kim Sae-ron’s “difficult life” hired 6 top lawyers! Sharing the current situation of part-time work and being sniped: This is not called “difficulty”, it is just the ordinary daily life of the 20th generation- KSD 韩星网(星星)

Kim Sae-ron’s “difficult life” hired 6 top lawyers! Sharing the current situation of part-time work and being sniped: This is not called “difficulty”, it is just the ordinary daily life of the 20th generation- KSD 韩星网(星星)

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Kim Sae-ron’s “difficult life” hired 6 top lawyers! Sharing the current situation of part-time work and being sniped: This is not called “difficulty”, it is just the ordinary daily life of the 20th generation- KSD 韩星网(星星)



Kim Sae-ron shared his current situation through IG story yesterday, and PO posted 3 photos from his part-time job. When Kim Sae-ron appeared in court for drunk driving on the 8th of this month, she said that her life was difficult. These photos are suspected to testify her claim.

In the photo, Kim Sae-ron is wearing the uniform of a chain coffee brand and working in the store, sometimes making bread and sometimes packing drinks, his hair is loosely tied into a bun, which is completely different from the exquisite and glamorous image he had when he was a star.

(Source: IG@ron_sae)

(Source: IG@ron_sae)

(Source: IG@ron_sae)

Lawyer Kim Sae-ron said that she had a deep introspection and tried her best not to drink anymore, because she has been responsible for the livelihood of the whole family as the head of a girl, and spent all her savings after compensating for damaged merchants and liquidated damages for advertising, and the whole family fell into a difficult life. Kim Sae-ron himself also promised not to repeat the same mistakes, revealing with tears that he is currently relying on part-time jobs to make ends meet.

However, Kim Sae-ron, who is said to be “difficult in life”, has hired as many as six lawyers from two lawyers, one of which is a top 10 large law firm in Korea. The law firm sent a representative lawyer who was a minister’s prosecutor. What’s more, the judge who was in charge of Kim Sae-ron’s first trial was also a university alumnus.

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(Source: TVDaily)

Kim Sae-ron disclosed his private life on a TV show in 2020. He lived with his sister in a 49-pyeong apartment valued at 2.3 billion won at the time, and he drove an imported car worth around 50 million won. In the second year, another imported car with a price of more than 200 million won was revealed, and the third imported car with a price of about 100 million won was driven while drunk. Therefore, many netizens said that the lawyer’s rhetoric is unconvincing: at a young age, you have a luxurious life that ordinary people can’t even dream of, and now you are playing the “teenage parents” and “living in a difficult life” card?

(Source: Screenshot of tvN “On & Off”)

In this regard, one of the lawyers explained that Kim Sae-ron did have financial difficulties. The apartment shown on TV was actually owned by the planning company. After the incident, Kim Sae-ron had moved out and was currently living in a monthly rental house. All the vehicles under his name had been sold. Lawyers themselves receive cases through introductions from acquaintances, and their remuneration is also below average.

However, Korean netizens didn’t buy Kim Sae-ron’s behavior: “Part-time job in a coffee shop is called life hardship? Isn’t this the ordinary daily life of the 20th generation?” No matter how low the salary is, how low can the level of the minister’s prosecutor be?”, “Doing a part-time job is called living a difficult life. How high-class life was it before?”, “It feels so strange. I have done it countless times since high school. work”, “I just came back from two part-time jobs and saw this”, “It seems that part-time jobs are a special experience in her eyes”, “It’s annoying for rich people to pretend to be poor”, “Don’t wear gloves How about touching your hair?”, “If I knew this, why would I drink and drive? Sigh”, “I can’t continue to be an artist anyway, so I’d better find another way out”, “Po will only be offensive”, “Please live a low-key life.” .

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