Home » “Let the people choose in peace and quiet”, Sergio Massa already voted in Tigre

“Let the people choose in peace and quiet”, Sergio Massa already voted in Tigre

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“Let the people choose in peace and quiet”, Sergio Massa already voted in Tigre

Came the day. Citizens are authorized to go to the polls in order to define the presidential candidates of the main political parties in the open, simultaneous and mandatory primary elections (PASO) 2023. This event takes place in the midst of an intense contest between Union for the Homeland and Together for Change, added to the uncertainty surrounding the electoral performance of La Libertad Avanza.


STEP 2023: Sergio Massa has already voted in Tigre

The presidential candidate of Union for the Fatherland, Sergio Massavoted this Sunday in Tigre in the elections of the PASO 2023. The Minister of Economy said that he will meet with the governor of Buenos Aires and candidate Axel Kicillof to follow the results.


STEP 2023: what ID do I need to go vote

As reported by the Ministry of the Interior on its website, voting is done with the civic document that appears in the padrón electoral, or with a later version of the same. Look what ID you need here.


Yellow Alert in PASO 2023: intense winds shake Neuquén, Río Negro and three other provinces

In an unusual climatic scenario, the primary elections are affected by strong winds in five provinces. The National Meteorological Service issued alerts in Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro and Chubut, warning of gusts of up to 100 km/h. . The details, in this note.

Wind alert in Neuquén and Río Negro.


STEP 2023: schools opened and elections began throughout the country

At 8, schools all over the country began to open. Until 18 o’clock you can choose in these STEP. With this election, the lists that meet the vote floor necessary to compete in the general elections on October 22 are validated.

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The table authorities arrive at the schools

A few minutes after the opening of voting for the PASO 2023, the polling station authorities began to arrive at the different voting centers. The elections will begin in moments, and will last until 6:00 p.m.


Absenteeism and “angry vote”, two factors that add uncertainty to the result

The first box of the national electoral calendar scheduled for 2023 will finally be checked today, when the PASO are held throughout the country, after a proselytizing campaign that was fully impacted by acts of insecurity registered in the last days in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires.

Within the ruling party, an internal competition stands out between Sergio Massa, the Minister of Economy and representative of the predominant factions in the ruling coalition, and Juan Grabois, leader of the Frente Patria Grande, who leads the most popular sectors. For its part, in Together for Change an intriguing primary contest is presented between Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, and Patricia Bullrich, former Minister of Security. These two actors have starred in a bitter dispute in recent months, which reaches its final resolution at the polls today.

For La Libertad Avanza they present the National Deputy Javier Milei as their candidate, who faces the election without an internal competition. The unknown lies in the magnitude of the support that he will achieve, considering his aspiration to enter the second round in the elections on October 22..

The PASO this Sunday will also offer the most reliable picture of what could happen in the October election with the distribution of seats in Congress. 130 national deputies from all districts will be elected, and 24 national senators from eight provinces: Buenos Aires, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, San Juan, San Luis and Santa Cruz.

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The greatest challenge faces him Unión por la Patria, which exposes 68 of its 118 current benches. Together for Change, meanwhile, risks 55 seats out of a total of 116. If the map of thirds is specified, both spaces would lose seats. In the election of senators there are no half measures: Three seats are distributed per province, two for the political group that obtains the highest number of votes, and one for the one that comes second.

Where do I vote and how to check the register for PASO 2023

The National Electoral Chamber (CNE) published the definitive register so that citizens can see in which establishment and table they should vote on Sunday, August 13 in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory elections (PASO).

Facing the elections, the National Electoral Chamber made available the definitive register for the elections in which theThe candidates to compete in October for the Presidency, Parlasur and seats in the Chamber of Deputies and in some provinces also in the Senate.

How to consult the definitive register to vote in the PASO

Citizenship able to vote you will be able to consult the data of the place and polling station scheduled for the PASO of August 13. The definitive register can be consulted on the website www.electoral.gob.ar and in www.padron.gob.ar.

For it, the voter must enter into the system their document number, gender, district where they vote and enter a verified coder. From those data, the citizen will know the establishment and the table in which he must pay.

PASO 2023 elections: what to do if I did not go to vote

The elections Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (STEP) that will take place this Sunday, as its name indicates, are mandatory for votersso those who do not attend to vote must present a justification in the Electoral Justice or pay a fine.

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The National Constitution establishes that in Argentina Voting is compulsory for all people between the ages of 18 and 70, while voters aged 16 and 17, as well as those over 70, can do so optionally.

If you are included in the mandatory range, from 18 to 70 years of age, and you do not go to vote, you must request a justification form before a police authority on the day of the election and then submit it to the Electoral Courtwithin a maximum period of 60 days from the election act.

On the other hand, citizens who have not voted and do not have a justification they will receive an economic sanction and will be incorporated into the Register of Offenders.

Elections STEP 2023: what is the value of the fine for not going to vote

Regarding the value of the fines, If the voter does not have previous infractions without regularizing, he must pay $50, if he has 1 previous infraction it will be $100, with 2 previous infractions without regularizing the value will reach $200.

meanwhile, yes voter has 3 prior unstated violations will be fined $400while if voter has 4 or more prior unresolved violations will amount to $500.

In addition, people who do not pay the fine for not voting, They will not be able to carry out procedures or procedures for a year in state agencies.

One of the obstructed procedures may be the renewal of a passport or driving record

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