Home » Milei wants dollarization, but has no plan yet

Milei wants dollarization, but has no plan yet

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Milei wants dollarization, but has no plan yet

The classic reproach of society in electoral campaigns, the lack of concrete proposals to get out of the economic crisishad an exception in the current presidential race.

Javier Miley He put his dollarization plan on the table, supported by his idea of ​​preventing the monetary issue “of the politicians” from continuing to fuel inflation.

In the midst of criticism and distrust from the majority of economists, who consider that dollarizing is unfeasible, the libertarian candidate surprised with the appointment of former officials Roque Fernandez y carlos rodriguez as advisers in search of political and intellectual endorsement for their idea.

Javier Milei and dollarization: “Whoever earns a thousand dollars will continue to earn a thousand dollars”

Rodríguez offered a series of interviews in which he lifted the veil on dollarization. He pointed out, without too much fuss, that Milei does not have a defined planwho bases his idea on a series of projects and papers made by other economists.

rated as impossible to impose dollarization next year. Regarding some of the expressions of the candidate, such as the idea of ​​repealing the operation of the Banco Centralsaid that “these are things that are said in the campaign”, minimizing the possibility that they could occur.

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In what was very concrete, it was in some essential measures for Argentina to dollarize its economy. The first is a Plan Bonex for those who have deposits in pesos, as a way to redeem those deposits.

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The second is a money laundering that are on the mattress; Rodríguez assures that once the plan is launched, the dollars that are outside the system will return, as long as there are no penalties.


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