Home » Open letter from Battisti’s widow to Mogol: “25 years after his death you cannot separate his name from yours, but you make no mention of the three lawsuits you filed against him”

Open letter from Battisti’s widow to Mogol: “25 years after his death you cannot separate his name from yours, but you make no mention of the three lawsuits you filed against him”

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Open letter from Battisti’s widow to Mogol: “25 years after his death you cannot separate his name from yours, but you make no mention of the three lawsuits you filed against him”

“Here I am. 25 years have passed since Lucio Battisti was no longer with us. I notice, dear Giulio, that you do not miss a public opportunity to spread your honey on Lucio, declaring that you loved him so much: I believe that you have reasons to love him much more now, given that even today, after a quarter of a century after his death , you can’t separate his name from yours.”
Grazia Letizia Veronese, widow of Lucio Battisti, writes this in an open letter to Mogol, «accountant Giulio Rapetti, entrepreneur, aka Mogol, lyricist». «I also note that – he adds -, on these occasions you never make any mention of the countless lawsuits you filed after Lucio’s death: three degrees of judgment for a question of boundaries, two degrees of judgment for compensation for damages, for “loss di chance”: a lawsuit which, given the outcome, forced Edizioni Acqua Azzurra into liquidation. And here now, seven years after the 2016 ruling, a new identical lawsuit, this one just born, but still for “loss of chance. I remind you (in parentheses) that I am still waiting for a response to the letter I wrote to you on 10 June 2020, when you were effective President of Siae. Three years have passed and you decided to ignore that letter but, in the meantime, you continued to produce programs that have Lucio Battisti at the center (who, allow me the term, has become your passepartout). Finally, as regards Lucio’s health and the causes of his death, I kindly ask you to leave aside your unfounded suppositions and any other inferences. I only ask you to respect his dignity as a man, after having so flattered the his figure as an artist. In this regard, I invite you no longer to tell the moving story of the “letter secretly delivered to Lucio”, now by a nurse, now by a doctor, now by an unidentified “professor”… specify, once and for all, that my husband was fighting for his life in those days, that no one ever received a letter from you, that Lucio was never left alone in those same days and that he never cried, much less remembering the your “friendship”. I remind you that your “artistic partnership” was interrupted way back in 1980. 43 years have now passed, Giulio! Without rancor. Grazia Letizia Veronese Battisti”.

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