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predictions for love, work and health

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predictions for love, work and health


Find out what your future holds through the horoscope

Check the horoscope of your sign:

Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio –
Sagittarius – Capricorn – Aquarius – Pisces


ARIES (from 21/3 to 20/4)

Hoy: This week Sagittarius will shine and be a master in handling logic. Conviction and guaranteed success, you just have to trust yourself.

Amor: The love life of a couple will enter a moment of great tension due to jealousy and contradictory passions.

Wealth: Show your ability to close deals that are important to your future. Creative attitude will take you to the top.

Welfare: It takes a tremendous flow of energy for a person to achieve something worthwhile, the price is having optimism, kindness and magnanimity.


TAURUS (from 21/4 to 21/5)

Hoy: Your best friends will be your intuition and your emotions. Do not trust false advice, not everyone around you likes you well.

Amor: You will notice that on the sentimental level you begin to have the expected results in all the changes you have made.

Wealth: It is easy for you to open new business lines due to your contacts and your personal charisma. Great opportunities for advancement.

Welfare: Being honest with your feelings will leave you with something positive as a result. Do not try to overcome your feelings. Act accordingly.


GEMINI (from 05/22 to 06/21)

Hoy: On an emotional level, you will strengthen everything that was not too solid. You will change sadness and reluctance for nature and friends.

Amor: You will discover to your displeasure that certain harmful habits of your partner have been incorporated into your own. Try to change.

Wealth: The problem arises if you have business in common with the family. Prepare for the fight and learn not to mix things up.

Welfare: Giving an example is the best attitude you can have with a person, it is from a good school. Instead of insisting with the word, act.

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CANCER (from 06/22 to 07/23)

Hoy: Normal concerns of every home will appear, do not worry too much. You must have peace of mind to solve both simple and complicated situations.

Amor: When you don’t have a partner, you want them and when you do, you don’t give them all the love and understanding that your partner needs. Decide what you want to do with your love life.

Wealth: Favorable day to make investments and make long-term decisions. It is key that you are rational, today more than ever.

Welfare: Take care of your public image because your rise to fame or the possibility of something very advantageous depends on it. Stay away from arguments and gossip.


LEO (from 07/24 to 08/23)

Hoy: You will live great and deep emotions during today’s day. Blindly trust your feelings to manage you.

Amor: There is no place in the couple for ingratitude and selfishness. You must learn to share with your partner or you will live in solitude.

Wealth: It is important to sympathize with the needs of your staff in order to keep them motivated. Learn to listen to them.

Welfare: May physical relationships not become the only reason to show yourself close to a person. Experience spiritual closeness with your partner.


VIRGO (from 08/24 to 09/23)

Hoy: This past weekend has allowed you to think deeply about certain aspects of your feelings. Make a decision.

Amor: Learn to trust your partner with your fears and concerns. Make her a part of your inner world, give her her rightful place.

Wealth: You will have the opportunity to discuss with your superiors certain ideas that have been on your mind lately. Take advantage of it.

Welfare: May your pride not cloud your judgment when making decisions in the sentimental field. This could end in serious consequences.


LIBRA (from 09/24 to 10/23)

Hoy: Day of extreme physical and mental exhaustion you will live today. You will have to constantly run from one side to the other.

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Amor: The newly arrived loneliness in your life is managing to teach you important lessons about humanity and feelings. Take advantage of it.

Wealth: Key day for all those who must appear for job interviews. Good expectations are predicted for today.

Welfare: You will have to learn to handle the failure of your staff with a little more tact. Find out about the use of motivational methods.


SCORPIO (from 10/24 to 11/22)

Hoy: You must learn to share your personal space with those around you if you want to live in a harmonious society.

Amor: You will realize that the relationship you are in does not meet your expectations. Use the dialog to redirect it.

Wealth: Reforms will take place in your work environment in a short time. You cannot afford to make any mistakes. Caution.

Welfare: There are times when you should be more specific in your wishes or orders with the staff in your charge. Don’t fall for assumptions.


SAGITTARIUS (from 11/23 to 12/22)

Hoy: You will have new experiences in your social life if you leave your usual circle. You will meet people who will become friends.

Amor: It will be impossible for you to resign yourself to the couple’s lawsuits. You will find in yourself the strength to carry it forward.

Wealth: Someone will offer you a deal that seems irresistible. There are thieves everywhere and if you look closely you will see them.

Welfare: You tend to say everything you think, but today you must make an effort to contain yourself unless you want to create an unpleasant conflict.


CAPRICORN (from 12/23 to 01/20)

Hoy: Look for harmony and do your best to associate with people who inspire you in that sense and you will reap the benefits quickly.

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Amor: You must be very careful with adventures, romances and flirting, as this can bring you serious consequences and the loss of a good partner.

Wealth: Do not make mistakes in your domestic economy. Avoid spending more than necessary. An expected circumstance will come into your life when you least imagine it.

Welfare: Since everything is going well for you, you have forgotten some people who helped you in the past. You shouldn’t act like an egoist. You must be more humble.


AQUARIUS (from 01/21 to 02/19)

Hoy: It will be difficult for you to understand that there are things that are already part of yesterday. Certain episodes will give you a lot of nostalgia for the past.

Amor: You are surrounded by friends who are interested in you. Be sociable and accessible because love is very close to you.

Wealth: If you manage to mature, you will be able to trace the path to aspire to greater goals. It is time to put some strategy into practice.

Welfare: As soon as you leave work, organize an excursion that will tone your legs and your spirit. It will be the ideal brooch for the weekend.


PISCES (from 02/20 to 03/20)

Hoy: There is a child that lives inside you that will whisper old pending wishes in your ear. He tries to make time for your personal pleasure.

Amor: You are going to meet a person who can change the course of your life. Don’t be swayed by first impressions.

Wealth: Good day to carry out real estate operations, sign agreements, channel business and benefit from removals.

Welfare: You will have to cut some family ties that are holding you back and look to the future. You will feel that winds are coming in favor to start a new life.

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