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ratified the complaint and questioned the lack of protocol

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ratified the complaint and questioned the lack of protocol

In the last hours, the authorities of the Escuela Del Valle de Roca issued an internal communication addressed to the families of the institution trying to bring peace of mind after the publication of the two complaints of sexual abuse that are being investigated in different institutions, including the Justice. But many of the arguments were questioned by one of the complainants which assured that the school did not respond to the protocols established in the educational field.

“by virtue From the information that has become public, we want to clarify that the Supervision and Management of Private Schools is intervening from the moment the institution became aware of it; Likewise, the technical team of the institution and external professionals participate from the beginning”, begins the communication that bears the signature of the Fundación Escuela Del Valle.

In the second paragraph it clarifies that the teachers involved have been relieved of their duties for the relevant investigation.

“For the purposes of To protect the minors and their families, the management acted with the utmost discretion, making itself available to the prosecutor’s office, which intervened with a request for information. which was responded to immediately,” they explained.

However, the last paragraphs generated indignation in one of the complainants that he contacted this newspaper to make some considerations and tell his “truth” about the events that occurred.

“From minute zero the school did everything it didn’t have to do”he explained. And along these lines, she clarified that the two parents who dared to denounce they were “faced” (confronted) with the teachers who had been denounced.

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He clarified that this situation was “inadmissible”. “They revictimized the victims at all times”he said indignantly when he made contact with this newspaper.

Complaints of abuse in a private school in Roca: “They did not act quickly,” criticized one of the families

The complainant also referred to the alleged “speed” manifested by the school in maintaining that one of the complaints was a reality “in October of last year”. “And when the second came out at the end of April (NdR: with another teacher) the cases came to light,” she said.

“What they tried was to take the teacher out of one room and put her in another. That’s when all the parents found out and the bomb exploded.”said the person consulted by Diario RIO NEGRO, who stressed at all times that the school did not respond to the parents.

Furthermore, he said that they left the establishment and no one ever contacted them again or took notice of what was happening with the process both in the institution and in the field of Senaf, Justice or the Directorate of Private Schools.

“If it weren’t for this, the school kept hiding these cases”he said, still obfuscated by the situation his son had gone through. And he reiterated that in the complaint from October last year, no institution or body outside the school was intervened.

“Only when the complaint in April We force the school to put all the protocols in place,” he reiterated.

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