Home » Real-life Environmental Cases Unveiled in Hit Drama “Above the River” Heard by Jiangsu Courts

Real-life Environmental Cases Unveiled in Hit Drama “Above the River” Heard by Jiangsu Courts

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Real-life Environmental Cases Unveiled in Hit Drama “Above the River” Heard by Jiangsu Courts

The hit drama “Above the River” has been taking the nation by storm with its intriguing and engaging storyline. The show, which focuses on environmental justice, has been drawing attention for its realistic portrayal of environmental protection cases in the Yangtze River Basin. But did you know that many of the cases featured in the drama are actually based on real cases heard by Jiangsu courts?

The drama, a collaboration between CCTV, the Supreme People’s Court, the Higher People’s Court of Jiangsu Province, and Blue White Red Films, follows the story of Environmental Resources Judge Luo Yuan and court consultant Xia Weidong as they tackle environmental protection cases. Most of the cases depicted in the TV series are adapted from real cases concluded by Jiangsu courts.

One of the cases featured in the drama is the “Yuan Xiaoxiao’s Golden Eagle Case,” which sheds light on the illegal trafficking of national first-level protected animals. The real-life version of this case involved a large-scale online trafficking operation of endangered wild animals, including the golden eagle, which was uncovered by police in Xuzhou City.

Another case depicted in the drama is the “Bihu Island Garbage Dumping Case,” which highlights the environmental impact of illegal waste disposal. The real-life counterpart of this case involved the illegal dumping of domestic and construction waste near the Taihu Compulsory Isolation and Rehabilitation Center in Jiangsu Province, leading to extensive environmental damage.

These cases, along with others featured in the drama, underscore the importance of environmental protection and the role of the judiciary in upholding environmental laws. By showcasing these real cases, “Above the River” aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices.

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As the drama continues to captivate audiences nationwide, it serves as a reminder of the critical work being done by courts in Jiangsu to protect the environment and promote ecological sustainability. The cases highlighted in the show are not just fictional storylines – they are real examples of the challenges and successes in environmental justice that are seen in courts every day.

So the next time you watch “Above the River,” remember that behind the gripping drama are real cases that have been heard by courts in Jiangsu, shaping the landscape of environmental protection in China.

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