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Salsipuedes: they denounce that children are mistreated and beaten in a kindergarten

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Salsipuedes: they denounce that children are mistreated and beaten in a kindergarten

The families of boys and girls who attend the Jordán Maldonado de Salsipuedes kindergarten, in the Sierras Chicas region, feel pain, dismay and anger because they cannot believe that their own sons and daughters are physically and psychologically mistreated in this establishment.

The fathers and mothers denounce that the boys and girls are beaten, hit on the body, slapped and locked up by a teacher.

“From the testimony of a mother who told us in the WhatsApp group, we found out that her son had his ears pulled, another told that her son had been locked in the bathroom and had to get out under the door. In addition, they said that the boys and girls have peed since they started kindergarten, the same thing happens to my daughter,” said a mother.

And since then, the testimonies for situations of violence have been added and there were no longer one or two cases, but many more, the mother said. Even from previous years, today those boys and girls are in primary school. For this reason, these families also joined the complaints of ill-treatment.

In turn, the mother reported that the accused teacher made them play a game where they lay down looking at the floor and turned off the light to make them afraid. “All the rooms have their curtains open except this lady’s,” she narrated.

How could the boys and girls relate the events to their families, such as singing a song where the protagonist was a bad wolf that mistreated them.

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The mother said that the denounced teacher was with a psychiatric folder and when it was finished she returned to the classroom.

Demonstration in front of a kindergarten in Salsipuedes.

All the fathers and mothers of the kindergarten spoke with the authorities, and as a result the teacher was removed from the position. But they denounce that the director covered up her actions and recorded the child who was locked up so that he denied the facts.

For the cases, the families drew up a record and made criminal complaints before the Justice.

Testimonials that hurt

Through tears, the grandmother of the 4-year-old boy who the teacher grabbed by the ears, hit him in the stomach and locked him in the bathroom said that the situation broke the whole family: “It hurts because he is small and that he mistreat like that. We who raise them with so much love. We are destroyed and we are afraid to send it to the garden”.

At the same time, he explains that the children cried because they did not want to go to the garden and they thought it was on a whim.

She also recounted that the director of the garden told her grandson: “I have a camera and you are going to tell him that the lady did not put you in the bathroom, and when they go to bed, bad children are taken by a witch.”

Now, “we don’t send it to the garden because we are afraid. We don’t know what to do when the doors close.”

Another of the mothers stated that her four-year-old daughter was slapped across the mouth when defending a classmate who had been hit by the teacher.

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“By gathering all the testimonies, with the mothers and fathers we decided that it is time to end these situations, not only for our children but for those who are coming. While you are working you are thinking if your son is being beaten, his rights violated. We cannot be calm with this class of teachers, ”she asserted.

situation in the garden

As a result of the events, the families met on April 18 with the authorities and the initial level zone inspector, Nélida Sánchez, who promised them that she would take care of the matter.

And the targeted teacher was relieved of her position. Classes continue to be held, but several families are not sending their children to classes until the principal resigns.

“We want the quota to be raised and completed with trained people, and who are psychologically fit, otherwise we are going to ask for a pass to another school,” said a mother.

At the same time, he highlighted the position of inspector Sánchez and thanked them for listening. “She supported us. She put herself in our place in the face of the director’s denial of the facts. And on Monday, April 24, we will have an answer.”

since inspection

The initial level zone inspector, Nélida Sánchez, spoke with La Voz and said that they met with the families and listened to them. And from there the Ministry of Education became aware of a complaint of a possible violation of the rights of children for which action is being taken.

“There is only one complaint against the teacher and last year none were registered before the Justice. We also take into account, for the investigation, if there are any verified in the minutes. She is working together with the teams from the General Directorate to advance in this situation, ”she said.

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And he confirmed that the accused teacher was removed from office, and that there are no complaints filed against the director. “We set up a space to talk with the families and the garden is working and the boys and girls are living in classes,” she said.

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