Home » Suspension of the Elections in San Juan and Tucumán: the reaction of the ruling party and opposition

Suspension of the Elections in San Juan and Tucumán: the reaction of the ruling party and opposition

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Suspension of the Elections in San Juan and Tucumán: the reaction of the ruling party and opposition

The national government responded to the decision of the Supreme Court of suspend through precautionary measures the provincial elections next Sunday in Tucumán and San Juan with a harsh criticism of the court, considering that the rulings represent a “clear interference in the democratic process.” Meanwhile, representatives of Together for Change spoke out in favor of the Court’s rulings while targeting local Peronism.

“In a clear interference in the democratic process and the autonomy of the provinces, the Supreme Court aligned itself today with the opposition to anticipate what was expected as possible triumphs of Peronism in the provinces of San Juan and Tucumán next Sunday”expressed the Presidency in a statement.

The Court made the decision to avoid the possibility that the candidates Sergio Uñac, in San Juan, and Juan Manzur, in Tucumán, were elected, whose nominations were objected to by the opposition, which maintains that they are running for a fourth successive term. The measure was signed by the judges Horacio Rosatti, Carlos Rosenkrantz and Juan Carlos Maqueda, while Ricardo Lorenzetti did not support either of the two decisions.

The Supreme Court of Justice suspended the May 14 elections in Tucumán and San Juan

After the decision of the highest court, the Government emphasized: “We are together with the governors Sergio Uñac and Juan Manzur in the face of this new outrage and we are going to accompany the provinces in their democratic claims. It is imperative that the Court of Justice of the Nation stop to meddle in the institutionality of the Argentine provinces and let the people vote”.

“Yesterday, former President Mauricio Macri, in the face of the electoral defeats that the Macrista right and the self-styled libertarians suffered in last Sunday’s elections, accused the Argentine provinces and their elected governors and citizens of being part of a feudal hindrance,” said the president. government. Regarding the statements of the PRO leader, the Government considered that “this is an absolutely derogatory concept towards the provinces of our country and towards the essence of Argentine democracy that is celebrating forty years of validity.”

“Those sad concepts of a former president, deniers of the federalism that governs us, clearly constituted a preview of the decision that we just met,” the statement said. The Government maintained that “it is the people who must choose without interference of any kind.” “Judicial meddling in electoral processes deeply damages democratic coexistence and dangerously alters the institutionality that we preserve so much,” he added.

The opposition’s reaction

“We stopped the re-elections of Manzur and Uñac. They believe they are feudal lords and owners of their provinces. They wanted to violate their own constitutions and the Supreme Court put them in a box. With us, this will not happen,” he shared. Patricia Bullrich on their social networks and became a trend.

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“The feudal lords of Kirchnerism believe that they can violate the laws and constitutional norms. We are not going to allow it,” he added. Christian Ritondo.

“No one is above the Constitution, that is the fundamental rule of our republic. The decision of the Court is the one that corresponds to a country that respects the law. Attempts to violate the provincial electoral rules must be abandoned forever to perpetuate themselves in the power”; wrote Horacio Rodriguez Larreta.

“We said it, we argued it, and we sustained it in court: Uñac and Manzur are not in a position to be re-elected. I celebrate the ruling of the Supreme Court that today put a stop to the Kirchner feuds. It is a good day for democracy “, he posted in the same vein Mary Eugenia Vidal.

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Mario Negri, For his part, he tweeted: “Once again the Court stops the re-election attempts of PJ governors who force the provincial constitutions to be perpetuated. It happened with Santiago and Río Negro before and today with San Juan and Tucumán. The PJ must try to respect the laws and the democratic game” he considered.

Facundo Manes added that “the decision of the Court shows that no one is above the Law. That the Constitution and the rules of democracy must be respected. The transformation of the country is with strong institutions that show signs of firmness whoever they are who wants to challenge them”.

Elisa Carrion She was another of the references of the opposition who took the floor to express her support for the Supreme Court. “Enforce the law and the Republic is the duty of the Supreme Court. No more re-reelections”he warned on Twitter.

From the ruling party, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Cabandie, pointed to the decision with a “Is democracy over?” The national deputy of the Frente de Todos, Leopoldo Moreaunoted: “The Court of Magnetto and Saguier has just suspended the elections in Tucumán and San Juan. What will some locals and strangers say now who denied that the judicial Party was willing to ban Cristina Fernández de Kirchner? Only the mobilized people can prevent it.”

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President’s statement

In a clear interference in the democratic process and the autonomy of the provincesthe Supreme Court aligned itself today with the opposition to anticipate what was expected as possible triumphs of Peronism in the provinces of San Juan and Tucumán next Sunday.

Yesterday the former president Mauricio Macri, Faced with the electoral defeats that the Macrista right and the self-styled libertarians suffered in last Sunday’s elections, he accused the Argentine provinces and their elected governors and citizens of being part of a feudal hindrance. This is an absolutely contemptuous concept towards the provinces of our Homeland and towards the essence of Argentine democracy that is celebrating forty years of validity.

Those sad concepts of a former president, deniers of the federalism that governs us, clearly constituted a preview of the ruling that we just learned about.

We are together with the governors Sergio Uñac and Juan Manzur in the face of this new outrage and we are going to accompany the provinces in their democratic demands.

It is imperative that the National Court of Justice stop meddling in the institutionality of the Argentine provinces and let the people vote.

It is the people who must choose without interference of any kind. Judicial interference in electoral processes deeply damages democratic coexistence and dangerously alters the institutionality that we preserve so much“.

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The grounds for the suspension

From the text of the ruling it seems to anticipate that, finally, the Court will not allow the candidacies of Uñac and Manzur, since it maintains that “when the Provincial Electoral Tribunal made official the candidacy of the governor, it enabled them to compete in the elections that will take place on May 14 next in search of a fourth term”.

The text speaks of a “fourth term”, which is precisely what the opposition argues to oppose the new candidacy of Manzur and Uñac. “It is evident then that this electoral act could shortly produce an institutional disorder that is difficult to repair. Given this, this Court must preventively ensure that whatever the final sentence that falls in the case, its compliance is still possible within the republican representative system that the provinces promised to guarantee,” the judges of the Court held.

Despite the fact that provincial elections are part of the powers provided for in local constitutions, the Court interpreted that it can fail in both cases. “Given that a province is the defendant and that the plaintiff has seriously raised a predominant federal question before this Court, the process corresponds to the original competence of the Court,” said Rosatti, Rosenkrantz and Maqueda when justifying their intervention.

“They are scourges”, “democratic rupture”: repercussions on justicialismo

He Justicialista Party of the province of Buenos Aires warned this Tuesday that the decision of the Supreme Court to suspend the elections in the provinces of San Juan and Tucumán “deeply damages the republican system that governs our country” and places it “on the verge of democratic breakdown”.

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The national leadership of the Justicialista Party (PJ), chaired by the head of state, Alberto Fernández, expressed its “strongest repudiation” of the “judicial advance against democracy and federalism”when speaking out against the decision of the Supreme Court to suspend the elections scheduled for next Sunday in Tucumán and San Juan.

Justicialist statement 20230509
Communiqué of the Justicialista Party. Photo: Twitter | @p_justicialist

In line with the statement, the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof critical of the Supreme Court in its networks and listed the arguments of the ruling party to advance in the impeachment trial against the magistrates.

“In the impeachment of the Supreme Court, very serious facts are aired about the shady dealings in social work, threats and extortion; the crimes that appear in the Lago Escondido chat rooms continue to be unclear; they illegally took over the Council of the Magistracy; they issued the 2×1; they decided to take resources from all the provinces to give them to CABA; two of its members agreed to be appointed by decree by Macri,” warned the leader of the Frente de Todos.

The suspension of the elections in two provinces is now added, 4 days after they take place. They are part of the opposition and they don’t even hide it anymore. This Supreme Court is a disgrace and is running over Argentine democracy. Once again, centralism wants to wear federalism. This is why 12 governors signed the request for Impeachment!” Kicillof tweeted.

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Photo: Twitter | @Kicillofok

“The Court continues to do its thing. They notify you four days before. they are blights”, stated the candidate for governor José Luis Gioja, in statements exposed in Radio 10.

“I am an opponent of Uñac, we were going to beat him, we wanted him to play”said the candidate.

“I was surprised because I thought it was going to happen. They vote on Sunday and they suspend it [la votación] on Tuesday. They have no respect for the people, for the political parties.”

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Jose Luis Gioja. Photo: NA

In this sense, Gioja equally criticized Uñac and the Court for the alleged delay in the decision taken.

“We have always said that Uñac cannot be a candidate because the provincial constitution is clear”considered.

“The issue is, how come they don’t do it before? Now came a relaxation. They would have done it sooner, why did they take all this?”, questioned the candidate for provincial governor, who in turn assumed that the ruling “benefits the Pro, the radicalism and the libertarians”.


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