Home » The Comedy Theater opened the curtain again after 16 years in ruins

The Comedy Theater opened the curtain again after 16 years in ruins

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The Comedy Theater opened the curtain again after 16 years in ruins

It was a true party night for Córdoba. The city recovered an emblematic space. The lights, the colors, the sounds and the joy returned to rumble on its walls and occupy all the spaces.

The Teatro Comedia presented its new façade, the big stage, seats, dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, toilets, boxes and the building structure necessary to supply and connect the technical equipment.

The inauguration gala of the modern Teatro Comedia, an icon of Cordoba culture, was headed by Mayor Martín Llaryora and Vice Mayor Daniel Passerini accompanied by the governor of the province, Juan Schiaretti.

The Comedy Theater reopens its doors this Wednesday

“I am very happy, since on the eve of the 450 years of our city we have rebuilt this space that has changed and where a cultural complex has been built that will become the natural hall of the municipal casts and of Cordoba culture, of the icons new and from the independent theater”, expressed Llaryora.

The work was not only architectural, but historians were summoned to “leave the walls as a living memory of everything that happened in what is practically a museum,” he described.

As of the official act of reopening, this heritage heritage once again belongs to the people of Cordoba in a historic moment for the city within the framework of the 450th anniversary of its foundation.

A devastating fire that left him for 16 in ashes

After its fire and after a guard of ashes that lasted 16 years, the Municipality of Córdoba rebuilt and reopened the Teatro Comedia, which will be 110 years old on August 9.

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The tragic loss of the Teatro Comedia occurred in the early morning of June 28, 2007, when a raging fire destroyed one of the highly renowned theaters. For more than a decade it would be recognized as the monument to the decline and abandonment of the city.

The work was not only architectural, but historians were summoned

The successive municipal efforts postponed the recovery works and transformed it into a White Elephant for more than ten years, until, in March 2021, the current municipal management resumed the tasks, even in the context of a pandemic, economic crisis, and recession.

Vice Mayor Daniel Passerini highlighted the importance of recovering an icon of the city, which will allow the center to be revitalized. “The enormous cultural community that Córdoba has, from now on has a new space in which they can express themselves.”

“This theater, which opens on the eve of a new anniversary of the city, had been in a state of abandonment for 16 years, management after management. Today, Martin Llaryora puts it in value for all the neighbors” concluded the vice mayor of the capital.

The complex heritage reconstruction and modernization of the room took just over two years of interdisciplinary professional work, coordinated from the Urban Development and Culture secretariats of the municipality.

Ten keys about Comedy

It was born as Teatro Odeón on August 9, 1913, founded by Don Pastor Taboada. It was created when the old theaters of Córdoba had disappeared and only the Rivera Indarte Theater (1891) was maintained. It changed its name to “La Comedia” and since 1950 it has had its current name. It alludes to that theatrical genre, dominant in its first seasons. For decades it maintained a high level of artistic proposals until it positioned itself as the most important theater in the interior of the country. National artists such as Pepitito Marrone, Pedro Quartucci, Susana Rinaldi, Pepe Cibrián, Ana María Campoy and the legendary Nelly Omar, among many others, performed on its stage. It was also a propitious venue for political meetings of national scope. It was expropriated in 2005 and caught fire on June 28, 2007, suffering almost total destruction. The recovery works remained almost paralyzed for 16 years. In March 2021, the Municipality resumed the work and completed it two years later. At the beginning of July 2023, the Teatro Comedia reopened its doors and is projected as a room with an international level infrastructure.

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