Home » The Enchanting Autumn of Qinba: A Long-lasting Delight

The Enchanting Autumn of Qinba: A Long-lasting Delight

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Autumn of Qinba: A Long-lasting Season of Beauty

By Liu Bing

In the Qinba region, known for its location in the transitional zone between the north and south of China, autumn takes on a unique and mesmerizing quality. Unlike the fleeting autumn in North China or the lack of distinct seasons in Lingnan, Qinba experiences a prolonged and enchanting autumn that leaves a lasting impression on its residents.

It is during the month of October when Qinba reveals its true beauty. As the autumn rain drizzles over the region, the once emerald green mountains gradually transform into a sea of red. Each layer of forest seems to be dyed in shades of red, creating a stunning visual display. The hillsides and valleys become adorned with red leaves, resembling a fiery ocean, making Bashan Chushui a picturesque destination.

Personally, I have developed a fondness for the red leaves of Qinba. They paint the autumn in vibrant shades of red and leave an indelible mark in one’s heart. From a distance, the red leaves on thousands of trees resemble rolling flames. As a cool autumn wind blows by, these leaves slowly detach from their tree hosts, bidding a reluctant farewell to the mother tree that nourished them, and returning to the earth.

Traveling on the G316 national highway allows visitors to witness the awe-inspiring scenery of “cars traveling in the mountains and people swimming in the paintings.” The vivid colors of the water and the dazzling forest create the most magnificent gallery of red leaves between the towering Qinling Mountains and Bashan Mountain. Among all the red leaves, the fiery red leaves of Cochinabara japonica stand out as particularly dazzling.

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While driving through Qinba is a popular choice, I personally prefer to explore its mountains and forests on foot. The hazy atmosphere gives me a sense of comfort, as if I am wandering in a fairyland. Upon closer inspection, the red leaves reveal a complex background with multiple layers of color. Shades of purple red, pink, orange red, golden red, brown red, and maroon red intermingle with hints of goose yellow and grass green, creating a colorful wonderland.

Walking along the mountain trails, the flowing leaves of sycamore and white birch trees add to the sense of freedom in the air. After the autumn harvest, scarecrows stand tall in the middle of the rice fields, seemingly forgotten amidst the pecking of turtledoves and sparrows on the rice ears. In the distance, clusters of Barmao roots connect with each other and merge harmoniously with the distant mountains.

The mountains of Qinba are not only rich in scenic beauty but also abundant in fruits. Every autumn, the mountains and ridges become adorned with bright yellow jujubes, sweet sorghum stalks, and fiery red persimmons. These plentiful resources have led to a local tradition of making wine in many villages. When one walks into the small village of Shan’aozi, the aroma of wine fills the air as smoke rises from the earth stove at the end of each courtyard.

“Autumn has been a sad and lonely time since ancient times,” as the saying goes. In autumn, a sense of melancholy often pervades our hearts. Southern Shaanxi’s autumn is accompanied by cold rain and the rustling of the autumn wind. Watching the falling leaves, our hearts become increasingly somber, often evoking memories of lost things. Standing amidst the mountains of Qinba, one gradually grasps the meaning of life as nature unfolds, entering a spiritual realm that is both hazy and indescribable. It is only natural to feel a sense of sadness and reflection.

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As autumn passes, it reminds us that youth is also ephemeral. Just like the climate of Qinba, life consists of four seasons. As we enter late autumn, having been nourished by spring and seasoned by summer, we grow calmer and more mature, preparing ourselves to embrace the arrival of the harsh winter.

In the Qinba region, autumn is not just a fleeting season, but a transformative and enduring experience. Its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant red leaves, and bountiful fruits make it truly a season to remember. So, why not take a journey to Qinba and immerse yourself in the beauty of its autumn?

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