Home » The Federation of Cuban Women Condemns the Aggression Against Singer Katia Naranjo Alarcón During Concert

The Federation of Cuban Women Condemns the Aggression Against Singer Katia Naranjo Alarcón During Concert

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The Federation of Cuban Women Condemns the Aggression Against Singer Katia Naranjo Alarcón During Concert

Government organization condemns violence against singer during concert

The government Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) has expressed its strong disapproval of the recent attack on Katia Naranjo Alarcón, the singer of the Original de Manzanillo, during a concert. In a tweet, the official organization shared the official note from Cubadebate about the incident and stated, “The FMC repudiates this act and any act of violence. Our society rejects behaviors that threaten people’s lives, in this case a woman.”

The FMC emphasized its commitment to addressing such situations and stated, “We remain alert to this situation.” This declaration comes after the Attorney General of the Republic ordered provisional prison for the individual responsible for throwing a bottle that hit and injured the singer.

The official statement explained that the precautionary measure of provisional detention was imposed on August 31, following an investigation by the Morón National Revolutionary Police Unit. A 53-year-old resident of the municipality has been charged, and the Prosecutor’s Office is conducting further procedures to shed light on the facts, including the motives behind the accused’s actions.

In a recent Facebook post, Katia Naranjo Alarcón thanked everyone for their expressions of support and affection. She assured her fans that she is recovering from her injuries and expressed gratitude towards the healthcare professionals who have been caring for her. Despite facing challenges such as a fractured nose, nasal congestion, and dental injuries, she remains in good spirits and is hopeful for a full recovery.

The identity of the attacker has not yet been revealed. The incident has sparked outrage and highlighted the need to address violence against women in Cuban society. The FMC’s condemnation sends a strong message that such acts will not be tolerated, and steps will be taken to protect individuals from all forms of violence.

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