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there were more than 40 injured

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there were more than 40 injured

The claim for the disappearance of a Wichí teenager from the town of Misión Nueva Pompeya triggered a violent attack by members of the indigenous community towards police officers that left almost four dozen injured and the headquarters of the police station, the Multifueros Court and the local municipality completely destroyed. The protests have been going on for more than a week.

It all started last Tuesday, February 14, when the father of Salustiano Giménezaged 16, went to the local police station to report that her son had run away from home two days ago.“He left home and does not want to return“, said.

From that moment on, police personnel gave start the search for the young that he had been last seen on February 12 at 6:30 p.m.

The tasks to find his whereabouts were carried out by the Provincial Search System and by the Federal Person Search System (SIFEBU), which it used both technical resources such as drones (one thermal) and two cannons, as well as specialized human resources.

At the same time, Salustiano’s sister alerted the police about a criollo (this is what the white residents of Mission Nueva Pompeya are called) whom she did not know and who asked her about Salustiano. To that first denunciation was added a second, from a member of the community, who identified this same man as the perpetrator of the adolescent crime.

After being pointed out, the suspect refused to testify before the prosecutor, who decided to charge him with the crime of homicide. With the change of cover of the cause, the family of the disappeared young man “began to demand quick responses from the Justice”. To do this, they made a roadblock that, by preventing the entry of trucks that provide fuel to the local generators.

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The lack of results caused the tension was rising in the following days, ending up exploding yesterday in the town located approximately 450 kilometers northwest of Resistencia, the provincial capital.

This Sunday, meanwhile, search brigades from the provinces of Salta, Tucumán and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and squads of Volunteer Firefighters and the Chaco Police joined. Despite this, still no trace of the boy.

“A group of people attacked public buildings, violating the Penal Code, causing riots, causing damage and leaving 12 police officers injureddespite having all the institutional and judicial channels available to engage in dialogue,” the Chaco government published yesterday on its official website.

Faced with the riots, the provincial Minister of Security and Justice, Gloria Zalazar, marked “dialogue” as “the only way to restore order.” The official was part of the official delegation of seven people sent by the Chaco government to Mission Nueva Pompeya.

With information from Argentine News and Infobae

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