Home » They arrested the alleged driver who had run over the 14-year-old boy in Jeppener

They arrested the alleged driver who had run over the 14-year-old boy in Jeppener

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They arrested the alleged driver who had run over the 14-year-old boy in Jeppener

In Jeppenera quiet town in the district of Brandsenthe habitants They remain shocked by the death of Leo Matheo Pozzo, 14 years old, hit by a truck whose driver fled last Thursday. The boy, along with a friend, had gone out to run on the side of the entrance route to Jeppener, they were not even on the shoulder but were jogging even further from the asphalt and on the grass, but a driver of a white Hylux would have lost control, perhaps looking at the phone, whatever it was ended in a tragedy: the truck left the road and ran over Leo, who died shortly after, while his friend, also 14 years old, suffered minor injuries and He was saved by a miracle.

The news this Saturday was that police work, after examining cameras and several raids, allowed prosecutor Mariana Albisu to order the arrest of Carlos Marcelo De Felippe, 52, who is considered the alleged driver of the murder vehicle. According to what was indicated, during one of the raids the detainee’s cell phone, green ID card and an ignition key from his vehicle were seized. And then in another procedure, in the town of Altamirano, near Jeppener, they would have found the truck that would have been the one that ran over Leo.

Leo had gone out for a run with a friend, like so many other times, on the side of Route 29, when the white Toyota Hilux hit him, dragging him for ten meters. The driver escaped and the teenager’s body was left lying at the scene. His friend called for help and although family members ran to the scene and called the police, Leo died.

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The Communal Police personnel even accelerated the ambulance transfer as much as possible to the Brandsen Municipal Hospital, but Pozzo arrived lifeless. From that moment, prosecutor Albisu of the Brandsen Decentralized Instruction Functional Unit, and Judge Atencio de La Plata began a task that finally found the whereabouts of the accused.

Prosecutor Albisu first ordered the analysis of security cameras in the area and the taking of testimonies from Jeppener’s neighbors in search of clues. Which led to a first negative raid at a home in San Francisco Solano. An hour later, a second occurred in a home located in Quilmes Oeste. In that police procedure they found the whereabouts of De Felippe, whom they considered as an accused suspected of having run over and abandoned Leo. The accused is detained at the Jeppener police station.

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This work refutes the first version that said that the driver had presented himself to justice on his own initiative. The abandonment of the person means an “aggravation” to the case file, leaving the 14-year-old adolescent in a state of helplessness.

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Marches asking for justice

Since the day of the accident, relatives, neighbors and friends of Leo Matheo Pozzo have demanded that justice be done with the boy’s murderer. “My nephew, Leo Pozo, was jogging with a friend on the side of the road – on the shoulder – and they killed him, they ran him over,” described the victim’s uncle in dialogue with TN.

For his part, Matías, the victim’s cousin, added: “Leo was 14 years old, on October 12 he turned 15. He was a very healthy boy, a friend of everyone at school and it was common for them to go out running.” And he added: “It is believed that the person driving the truck was not from Jeppener, but from the surrounding towns, because the rear lights were covered in dust, as if he had driven on a dirt road.” Another piece of information the family had was that the truck had a “new license plate and a black canvas.”

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On Friday 17 neighbors, friends and family gathered in the area of ​​“La Tranquera” and mobilized to “El Cruce” to demand justice. The march was led with a flag that read: “We want the person responsible.”

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Repercussions on Jeppener

Jeppener is a historic town in the Brandsen district, which borders the municipalities of La Plata, San Vicente, General Paz, Chascomús and Magdalena.

After the fatal accident, the people of Jeppener were shocked, monothematic, hurt. The school where the teenager was studying published the photo of the young man on its networks with the caption: “Because you are with us Leo, forever.”

Estrella, the club where he played sports, posted on Twitter an image of the boy and the text: “His contagious smile will leave an indelible mark on all those who had the privilege of knowing him.” While on Facebook the club published a heartfelt message: “The Estrella club accompanies and greatly regrets the loss. Rest in peace, Leo, your memory will live forever.” Below the post a flood of heartfelt comments reacted to the publication.


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