Home » They defend the Court from Together for Change in Neuquén: “we are satisfied,” said Esteves

They defend the Court from Together for Change in Neuquén: “we are satisfied,” said Esteves

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They defend the Court from Together for Change in Neuquén: “we are satisfied,” said Esteves

Together for the change of Neuquén defended the Court for a ruling in the elections of San Juan and Tucuman. In addition, he spoke about the investigation after the secretary’s statements of the deputy, Gerardo Milman, who assured that a computer expert had erased his phone in the offices of Patricia Bullrich, behind the assassination attempt Vice President Cristina Fernández de Krirchner. The Neuquén provincial deputy for the PRO, Leticia Esteves assured RIO NEGRO RADIO that the The objective of the ruling party is “to twist the agenda of the problems of the Argentines.”

The provincial deputy, Leticia Esteves, expressed her opinion about the precautionary measure of thea Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation that suspended the elections in Tucumán and San Juan. “You have to respect the rulings of the highest court and be respectful of what they have ruled,” he said.

Despite the fact that provincial elections are part of the powers provided for in local constitutions, the Court interpreted that it can fail in both cases. In Tucumán, the conflict revolves around the candidacy of the former chief of staff Juan Manzur, who is running for Lieutenant Governor after serving as Governor for two consecutive terms. In San Juan, the opposition questions Uñac, who intends to be governor again after three consecutive termsin different categories.

«They want to perpetuate themselves in power violating the norms and violating the provincial constitutions“Esteves said. He opined that they did the right thing and that the decisions of justice must be respected.

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The deputy commented that she could question the time in which the ruling was handed downbut that «when one sees that Uñac and Manzur can perpetuate in power violating the national constitutionwho watches over is the highest court and We are satisfied with your ruling.”he expressed.

Esteves questioned the statements of Milman’s secretary

Regarding the investigation after the declarations of the secretary of the Deputy of Together for Change, Gerardo Milman, who assured that a computer expert had erased his phone in the offices of Patricia Bullrichafter the assassination attempt to Vice President Cristina Fernández de Krirchner, the deputy stated “justice has to investigate calmly.”

“In a very serious fact how could it have been attempted assassination of the vice president of the Nation, justice must call to declare, “he said. “To the best of our knowledge, neither Patricia Bullrich nor Deputy Milman have been called to testifyhence there is a permanent need to twist the agenda of the problems that Argentines have,” he guaranteed.

In this sense, Esteves assured that the problems that Argentines have have nothing to do with research by the statements of Milman’s secretary. «One asks the Argentines what affects them the most or anguishes them and no one tells us about the secretary’s phone number», exemplified.

“She says her chats were deleted but when she reset it and turned it on she had all her chats back, whereupon It was not very expert who erased it or they did not want to erase it”Esteves questioned.

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Regarding the speech given by President Alberto Fernández on the Court’s ruling, the deputy indicated that “he is violating the independence of the powers and wanting to twist the agenda ». In addition, he indicated that the president does not deal with the problems of Argentines such as inflation.

“The President of the Nation and the Vice President of the Nation are responsible for the situation we are going through today,” he guaranteed. «I think there is an attempt to twist the agenda of the Argentines, but on the side of Together for Change we know that noor they are going to achieve it because we know very well what anguishes and affects everythingyes,” he added.

Due to the lack of deputies, the Income Tax project was not discussed

The Neuquen Legislature continue in his state semi-paralysis and on Tuesday he failed to gather a quorum of eight deputies that he needed for the Budget commission to work and deal with one of the projects presented on March 1 by Governor Omar Gutiérrez, that of Income Tax.

As RÍO NEGRO learned, this time the The greatest “missing” was from the opposition blocks. Los absent were Lucas Castelli (Advance), Leticia Esteves (Together for Change), Dario Peralta (Front of All), Mariano Mansilla (Front of All), Carina Riccomini (Together and Francisco Roles (FREE).

Esteves justified his lack and indicated “last week the bloc of the ruling party decided to suspend the session.” “We try to be respectful but the legislature never changed its agendaand personally I have participated in all the commissions that have touched me, “he added.

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The deputy mentioned that she will accompany the bill but “always understanding that ultimately it has to be treat and modify from the National Congress«. “We will make this proposal again and we will state again that the final resolution is always by the National Congress,” he guaranteed.

Listen to the Neuquén provincial deputy for the PRO, Leticia Esteves on RIO NEGRO RADIO.

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