Home » We support Massa, but La Cámpora does not represent us in Córdoba

We support Massa, but La Cámpora does not represent us in Córdoba

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We support Massa, but La Cámpora does not represent us in Córdoba

Carlos Caserio, a reference in Córdoba for President Alberto Fernández, questioned in harsh terms the decision of the national leaders of the Unión por la Patria alliance to promote camporista Gabriela Estévez as the first candidate for national deputy, seconded by another pure Christian: Martín Fresneda .

“From the Cordovan Peronist Front we are going to support the presidential formula made up of comrades Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi, but we are in total disagreement with the conformation of the list of candidates for deputies in Córdoba, headed by Gabriela Estévez. We are not going to work for her candidacy ”, questioned Caserio, vice president of Banco Nación, with an excellent relationship with Alberto Fernández.

Caserio, who promoted Federico Alesandri as a candidate for governor of the Creo alliance in Córdoba, accompanied by Estévez, for the provincial elections this Sunday, was critical of the decision, which according to him, was made in Buenos Aires.

“We totally disagree with the strategy of the national leaders to resolve the candidacies in Córdoba, without consulting anyone. We want to make it clear that we, as Peronists, do not feel represented by the La Cámpora group,” Caserio argued.

Endorsement Cristina Kirchner supported the formula of Creo en Córdoba, Federico Alesandri-Gabriela Estévez, who will compete in the provincial elections this Sunday. (The Voice / File)

In this sense, the Peronist leader who resigned from the presidency of the provincial PJ in 2019 to join the Frente de Todos, questioned the position of Estévez, who will be a candidate for lieutenant governor in this Sunday’s elections, but now also a candidate for deputy national.

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“It seems to us an absolute lack of ethics that she is a candidate for lieutenant governor, but also registered to be a provincial legislator, and now to be a candidate for national deputy,” Caserio concluded.


It was a day of arduous negotiations in the national official space to resolve the candidacies throughout the country.

Apparently, in the agreement that Cristina Kirchner closed with Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi, the negotiator on behalf of President Alberto Fernández, the list in Córdoba of Unión por la Patria was left in the hands of her and her son Máximo Kirchner, a national reference for La Campora.

The versions indicate that Cristina Kirchner herself spoke with some Cordoba leaders, such as Federico Alesandri, and the mayor of Leones, Fabián Francioni to offer them to accompany Estévez in second place.

The vice president would have asked them to accompany the Massa-Rossi formula, integrating second place on the list in Córdoba, but with a decision made: “First place for Gaby (Estévez) is not negotiated.”

The two leaders rejected the offer, with different arguments. Alesandri because he is a candidate for governor in the provincial elections this Sunday. While Francioni was reelected on June 11 as Mayor of Leones.

In this context, given the rejection of the offer by the sector most closely linked to traditional Peronism, the vice president’s decision was to place another leader she trusted in second place: former provincial legislator Martín Fresneda, head of the Senate Human Rights Observatory .

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