Home » With you, Yanjing Beer in the world joins hands with the movie channel to sing the Hundred Flowers Award-Qianlong.com.cn

With you, Yanjing Beer in the world joins hands with the movie channel to sing the Hundred Flowers Award-Qianlong.com.cn

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With you, Yanjing Beer in the world joins hands with the movie channel to sing the Hundred Flowers Award-Qianlong.com.cn

“With you, there is the world, and love starts from you.” On July 30, at the 36th Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony for Popular Films, the song “With You, There is the World” made its debut and was composed by Guan Xiaotong, Li Zhiting, The four young actors Huang Minghao and Xie Keyin sang passionately, and their youthful tunes infected countless audiences. Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, because you are wonderful, and there is a world with you. After the award ceremony, the movie channel officially handed over the song to Yanjing Beer. In the future, the song “With You, There is the World” will also be used as a promotion song for Yanjing’s “With Your Culture”.

“With you, there is the world” song golden album handover

Chang Shilei sang “With you, there is the world” at the handover ceremony

On-site booth of Yanjing Beer Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards

Group photo of the on-site team of Yanjing Beer Volkswagen Hundred Flowers Award

It is understood that the song “With You, There is the World” was co-written by lyricist Wang Pingjiu and musician Chang Shilei, who also served as composer and music producer. It is worth mentioning that Wang Pingjiu and Chang Shilei are also the lyricists and composers of the Winter Olympics theme song “Together to the Future”, and the two sides have collaborated on many well-known and well-known songs.

According to Geng Chao, chairman of Yanjing Beer, the song “With You, The World” was co-created by Movie Channel and Yanjing Beer. It reflects that the world is complete because of “you”, and life is wonderful because of “you”. The core is in this “you”. The “you” here refers to each of us, each individual’s personality and proposition are fully respected, and we all pursue a better life together. The lyrics of “With You, The World” are positive, full of sunshine, catchy melody, and highly sung. It conveys a spirit of dedication and tolerance of “you have me, and I have you”, reflecting the spirit of dedication and tolerance. It is the theme of openness, inclusiveness, mutual assistance and co-construction. It is a song that caters to the mainstream socialist values, conforms to the main theme of the new era, and fits the connotation of Yanjing Beer’s “Having Your Culture”.

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Geng Chao, Chairman of Yanjing Beer, was interviewed live by the Media Center of the Movie Channel

When referring to the original intention of the song’s production, Chang Shilei said: “When I first learned about your culture, I felt that this culture is as inclusive as music. As a musician, every creator Every listener’s feedback is worthy of respect, so when I create the tunes, all the more brisk and vivid notes appear in my mind, including in the lyrics I also added a few English and rap parts , All hope to make the whole song more international and show a more youthful and energetic Chinese image to international friends.

Chang Shilei sang “With you, there is the world” at the handover ceremony

Industry insiders analyzed that when the young group became the main force of consumption, Yanjing Beer kept pace with the times, captured the minds of young people with the common language of music, and made full use of the popularity of stars and short video marketing to create songs for the dissemination of songs and the interpretation of their concepts. A series of network-wide publicity and long-term campaign activities have built a bridge of communication and interaction with young people in terms of spirit, emotion and value, launched Yanjing Beer’s cultural signboard of “Have You”, boosted the high-intensity exposure of the brand concept, and achieved multiple circles. Layer reach and users are effectively harvested.

As the representative of the national brand, Yanjing Beer attaches great importance to cultural confidence and brand confidence, and always emphasizes the brand culture of tolerance, sharing, professionalism and struggle-you culture. In the just-released 2022 “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands” list, Yanjing Beer was selected again with a brand value of 163.785 billion yuan, ranking 43 on the list, demonstrating its leading brand strength.

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