Home » 20th Federal Congress of the German Society for Integrated Care (DGIV) / Prof. Dr. Eckhard Nagel “We urgently need a comprehensive healthcare reform”

20th Federal Congress of the German Society for Integrated Care (DGIV) / Prof. Dr. Eckhard Nagel “We urgently need a comprehensive healthcare reform”

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 9:38 a.m

(Berlin) – The German Society for Integrated Healthcare Care (DGIV) has expressed concern about the current stalemate in reforms. It should not be the case that patients have to wait any longer for a transformation of the healthcare system that is based on the appropriate treatment paths, was the general sentiment of the numerous healthcare professionals from all areas of the healthcare system at the 20th DGIV Federal Congress on Wednesday in Berlin . “We don’t just need this conversion for efficient and effective patient care,” adds DGIV board chairman Prof. Dr. mult. Eckhard Nagel, “We also urgently need to end the situation in which we continue to erode the high intrinsic motivation of thousands of health professionals, because the focus of the system is obviously not patient well-being, but regulation and special interests.” The path to a system that is consistent Focusing on the care needs of patients is therefore more than overdue from many perspectives.

In this context, it is a ray of hope that the federal government is finally redesigning the area between the outpatient and inpatient sectors. “Many DGIV members have been trying to provide new, supply-adequate impulses here for literally years. Some of these ideas can now actually be found in the reform ideas currently being discussed,” says Nagel. However, the current approach will not allow us to finally simplify the regulations at the interface between outpatient and inpatient care. “We see with great concern that none of the previous paragraphs will apparently be eliminated, but that, on the contrary, Section 115 SGB V in particular will continue to be extended and differentiated. “Who else is supposed to read, understand and implement this?” asks the doctor and transplant specialist Nagel. “The actors want to care for people, not study law!” Much more important than further paragraphs is the clearing out of the regulations and the reversal of the system, so that integrated care is no longer the fragmented exception, but the rule. “For this we need a fundamental paradigm and perspective change in the legal system, which I cannot see anywhere,” emphasizes the DGIV board chairman.

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At best, there were bright spots in the two digital laws that the federal government presented and implemented. “Here, too, the DGIV introduced ideas and demands into the political discussion before the federal election with a paper based on a broad dialogue basis, a surprising number of which are now reflected in the legislation,” said Nagel’s pleased analysis. Now, however, more meticulous attention must be paid to ensuring that the relevant digital legislation can prove itself in practice and that excessive data protection concerns do not undermine effective research and preventative and coordinated patient care.

20 developed in a “BootCamp” preceding the congress Young Professionals Theses on the sustainable establishment of a health system that meets the growing demands for climate protection and resource conservation. “It was a very lively group that sat together late into the night to put their thoughts on a sustainable health system of the future on paper,” emphasized BootCamp leader and DGIV board member Prof. Dr. Clarissa Kurscheid. Integrated care – thought comprehensively – must of course also address the complex connections between the environment, climate and health, says Prof. Kurscheid. Here, the boot camp once again showed that the young people’s ideas urgently need to be included in future system design.

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