Home » 8 foods that can cause cancer and that we should stop eating: what they are

8 foods that can cause cancer and that we should stop eating: what they are

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8 foods that can cause cancer and that we should stop eating: what they are

Numerous studies have shown that an incorrect diet, together with a sedentary lifestyle, can significantly increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. In this article, therefore, we want to make you aware of the 8 foods which can contribute to causing the cancer and that for this reason they should be taken with caution.

According to experts, cancer can develop for many different reasons, which, in addition to the genetic component, include tobacco, infections, exposure to radiation or chemicals, lack of training but also poor nutrition.

In particular, the World Cancer Research Funda nonprofit association linked to cancer prevention research, said that 20% of cancer cases in America are due to poor diets, characterized by a lot of junk food and alcohol abuse, and a complete absence of physical activity.

Precisely for this reason, however, it is possible to reduce the risk of contracting this disease by adopting one healthy and balanced diet, quitting smoking, playing sports and limiting alcohol consumption. But let’s see what are the 8 foods to avoid.

1. Smoked foods and pickles

To reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors, the first foods to avoid are smoked ones. This is because the smoking process it releases numerous toxins that inevitably end up in the food we then ingest.

Pickled foods should also be avoided as they contain nitrates and numerous preservatives which, if taken in an excessive way, can lead to the onset of cancer.

2. Refined and sugary foods

All foods containing refined sugars can lead to various diseases, including cancer. This is due to the fact that they increase the concentration of insulinwhich if it exceeds certain limits can lead to the development of neoplasms.

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Specifically, according to the magazine American Society for Clinical Nutrition people who ingest too much sugar have a much better chance of getting pancreatic cancer.

3. Processed red meats

Excessive consumption of red meat can cause the colorectal cancer because they contain a lot of highly harmful additives, as well as a large amount of salt in the case of bagged meats.

For this reason, you should carefully choose which meats to buy and consume, selecting those that derive from animals fed exclusively on grass and hay.

Foods that cause cancer

4. Hydrogenated oils

Hydrogenated oils are also highly discouraged, as the excess of omega 6 it can irreversibly damage cells, increasing the risk of skin cancer.

5. White flour

Excessively processed flour is not beneficial for our health as it contains too many carbohydrates, which in women could increase the risk of breast cancer.

This is why it is more recommended to replace white flour with quinoa, whole wheat, barley or almond flour.

Foods that cause cancer

6. Farmed salmon

Unlike wild salmon, farmed salmon can greatly increase the risk of cancer. In fact, as demonstrated by some studies reported on the Science Magazineit contains an excessive amount of chemicals which, if ingested often, can lead to the development of neoplastic masses.

Among the harmful substances that have been identified are mercury, toxaphene, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls.

7. French fries

The reason why French fries can be carcinogenic is that they are cooked at very high temperatures, creating theacrilammidewhich is the compound capable of causing cancer.

Among the types of cancer they can cause are prostate, breast and digestive tract cancers. So our advice is to prepare this delicious dish directly at home, using olive oil and organic potatoes.

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Foods that cause cancer

8. Microwave popcorn

Finally, the last food that should be avoided is microwave-cooked popcorn. In fact, in the bags in which they are packaged there is a chemical compound, theperfluorooctanoic acidwhich is highly harmful to human health.

In fact, people who have been exposed to this toxin for a long time, also called PFOA, have contracted kidney and bladder cancer, and led many women to infertility.

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