Home » Acupuncture cures sleep disorders for women with breast cancer – Medicine

Acupuncture cures sleep disorders for women with breast cancer – Medicine

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(ANSA) – TRIESTE, MAY 12 – Acupuncture can cure sleep disorders in women with breast cancer who have insomnia problems caused precisely by anticancer therapies.

It is the result of a study carried out on 58 women by a group of doctors and acupuncturists led by Paolo Marchetti – Scientific Director of IDI-IRCCS Rome, president of the Foundation for Personalized Medicine (FMP) and medical oncologist – and Fabrizio Jacoangeli, acupuncturist , professor at the School of Energetic and Traditional Acupuncture in Rome.

The study, which will be presented in a May 23 panel discussion, measured the efficacy and safety of acupuncture in treating sleep difficulties in women with breast cancer on hormone replacement therapy.

Fifty-eight women were randomized to a session of acupuncture once a week for 8 weeks (acupuncture group) or a session of standard care once a week for 8 weeks (control group). The primary endpoint was change in sleep difficulties and insomnia, as measured by the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) administered at baseline and 8 weeks later. After 8 weeks, the changes in sleep quality and quantity were significantly different in the two groups: in the acupuncture group 43.33% went into complete remission (absence of insomnia). No patients reported problems or discomfort associated with acupuncture. In conclusion, a weekly session of acupuncture may have beneficial effects on sleep quality and quantity in women with breast cancer receiving hormone replacement therapy after 8 weeks. (HANDLE).

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