Home » Alcohol, smoking and nutrition, ISS: “No improvement in Italy in 15 years”

Alcohol, smoking and nutrition, ISS: “No improvement in Italy in 15 years”

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Alcohol, smoking and nutrition, ISS: “No improvement in Italy in 15 years”

The Link Between Lifestyle and Cancer

A recent study conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has found a significant link between certain lifestyle habits and an increased risk of developing cancer. The study, which was conducted as part of the PASSI and PASSI D’Argento surveillance systems, has shed light on the impact of smoking, obesity, and other behaviors on the incidence of tumors.

According to Maria Masocco, the scientific manager of the surveillance systems, there is a clear association between tobacco smoking and pancreatic cancer. The habit is more prevalent among men, particularly in the younger age groups, and in the Center-South regions of Italy. It is also strongly linked to socioeconomic disadvantage, with higher rates of smoking among those facing economic hardships or with lower levels of education.

Additionally, the study found that other unhealthy behaviors, such as a sedentary lifestyle and excessive alcohol consumption, are contributing to the rise in cancer cases. A sedentary lifestyle is more common among women and in the Southern regions of the country, while one in six citizens consume alcohol at levels that are considered risky for their health.

Furthermore, the study highlighted the prevalence of obesity and its impact on cancer risk. More than 40% of adults in Italy are affected by excess weight, with the highest rates found in the Southern regions.

In addition to these risk factors, the study also pointed to the decreasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are known to have protective effects against cancer.

These findings emphasize the importance of addressing unhealthy lifestyle habits in order to reduce the incidence of cancer. Public health initiatives aimed at promoting healthy behaviors and reducing risk factors could play a crucial role in preventing cancer and improving overall health outcomes. Awareness and education about the impact of lifestyle on cancer risk are essential for creating meaningful change and reducing the burden of the disease on individuals and society as a whole.

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