Home » All crazy about face brushes, but are they really needed? And what are the risks?

All crazy about face brushes, but are they really needed? And what are the risks?

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benefits and disadvantages of the face brush – modaeimmagine.it

Have you ever heard of the face brush? Let’s find out together what it is and above all its benefits.

Maybe you’ve already used it or maybe it’s the first time you’ve heard of it. In a nutshell thefacial cleansing brush is a portable, battery-operated device with a bristle head that moves continuously.

Thanks to its constant pressure, it allows for excellent facial cleansing, much more effective than other mobile devices. Self combined with a cleaner, the brushes deeply cleanse the pores. But who is this brush specifically aimed at?

While all women can benefit from it, it’s perfect for those with swollen and clogged skin can improve facial circulation and lymphatic drainage. Pores appear smaller and brushes prepare skin to better absorb hydrating serums.

At this point the question arises spontaneously. What are the main advantages of using this particular device? Even if it is not yet widespread, especially in the Bel Paese, the facial cleansing brush can hide many benefits.

Discovering the face brush

Contrary to what many think, using the face brush is not that simple. Indeed many misuse it. For example, they choose a setting that is too stimulating or they opt for a brush that is too stiff, which could create inflammation.

Someone tends to use it too often, thus altering the pH of the skin, and causing increased oil production. Warning, never use the brush to remove makeup, because it could push it deeper into the pores.

benefits and disadvantages of the face brush
benefits and disadvantages of the face brush – modaeimmagine.it


Like all devices, there are some contraindications. The face brush it could cause dryness or chronic inflammation. Not only can it stimulate melanin activity leading to an increase in skin coloration. But there are many benefits for which according to experts it is worth resorting to this device. For example, is able to remove dead skin to improve skin tone. It can be used on both the face and neck and can create firmer, longer lasting skin. This causes wrinkles to be reduced, and at the same time you will get a fresh and young skin in the most convenient and natural way possible.

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As for how to use it, it is recommended to brush the face, together with a cleanser, two days a week. If your skin feels dry, reduce the frequency further. In short, the key is to listen to your skin. Also, if you use a face brush, don’t use an exfoliating scrub. We remind you that the best time of day to use this device is in the evening because in this way you will be able to remove the dirt and pollution accumulated during the day.

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