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all remedies for back pain

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Back pain is one of the most widespread pathologies in the world, so much so that it has affected about 80% of Italians at least once in their life, affecting the musculoskeletal system of men and women of any age.

Among the main reasons for medical consultation and absence from work due to injury, back pain can be caused by several factors and can be extremely annoying and debilitating for those who suffer from it. So let’s see together what exactly back pain is and what are the remedies to fight it.

What is back pain

Back pain is a condition that involves pain and inflammation in the back and spine. Although they can affect any area of ​​the back, the most common types of back pain are:

  • low back pain
  • back pain
  • neck pain

Low back pain is characterized by the presence of localized pain in the lower back that can radiate to the lower limbs and often also involves the sciatic nerve. In low back pain, the most common symptoms are: acute pain in the lower back, stiffness, weakness and / or numbness in the lower limbs, tingling, numbness and / or feeling hot or cold.

Back pain refers to the presence of pain in the back region, which can also radiate to the lateral areas of the back. Among the most common symptoms of back pain we find: acute and throbbing pain in the lateral region that is accentuated in certain positions, such as in rotation or flexion. Neck pain is a very common pathology and usually manifests itself with pain and muscle stiffness in the neck area, often accompanied by intense headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances and difficulty in carrying out daily activities.

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The remedies for lumbar back pain

The most frequent back pain is undoubtedly the one that manifests itself with pain in the lumbar area. To combat and prevent the onset of lumbar back pain, therefore, it is necessary to implement a series of good habits and small measures that reduce the risk factors associated with this pathology. Between these:

  • assume a correct posture;
  • reduce the time of wearing uncomfortable or high-heeled shoes;
  • always do stretching activities before and after exercise;
  • do regular physical activity to improve muscle tone and elasticity;
  • follow a healthy and varied diet;
  • use ergonomic chairs, especially if you have a job where you have to sit for a long time;
  • periodically use warm compresses and massage therapy sessions to relax muscles and improve blood circulation;
  • perform muscle relaxation exercises, even localized, several times a day.

Exercises against lumbar back pain

There are many types of exercises to combat back pain: the important thing is to identify the one that best suits us, our habits and, above all, the severity and type of back pain. Among the most effective exercises to combat the pain of back pain in the first place we find postural gymnastics, which allows you to improve posture and strengthen muscles in general. Postural gymnastics can be performed both free-body and using small tools, and, if practiced regularly, it helps to solve many musculoskeletal problems.

Another very useful discipline to combat back pain is stretching which, if performed correctly and continuously, is capable of improving joint mobility, relieving pain and promoting capillarization of muscles and tendons. Among the most useful stretching exercises for back pain we find:

  • piriformis stretch: start in the supine position, flex your knees bringing one to your chest and hold it tight with your hands for 5 or 10 seconds. Then, come back into position and repeat 5 times. Once the repetitions have been completed, go to the opposite side.
  • postural unloading: especially useful in case of vertebral inflammation, start with the back resting on the ground, and place the legs on a chair so that the knees are bent at 90 degrees. Hold the position for at least 10 minutes to relax your lower back muscles and reduce pressure on the spine.
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In case of frequent back pain, contact specialized clinics and doctors immediately. Always follow a varied, healthy and balanced diet, exercise, drink a lot and sleep at least 8 hours a night: a healthy lifestyle, in fact, is the best weapon to prevent many chronic diseases.

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