Home » AUSL Modena – Adults and children, two worlds compared, the ‘CollaborATIONS’ initiative stops in Pavullo and Mirandola

AUSL Modena – Adults and children, two worlds compared, the ‘CollaborATIONS’ initiative stops in Pavullo and Mirandola

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The meetings of “Collaborations”this time to Mirandola and Pavullo. The appointments are intended for families, teachers, social, health, educational and scholastic workers (first and second grade secondary school) interested in understanding and reflecting on the phenomenon of ‘social retreat‘: teenagers who voluntarily abandon friendships, school and all social contacts to lock themselves up in their room. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday 30 May, from 18.30 to 20 in Mirandola at the Unione Comuni Modenesi Nord Area (UCMAN) family center in viale Italia 64: Nicole Bedetti, psychologist of the RI-SO project of the USL company of Modena and Lorenzo Bergamini, psychologist of the UCMAN family center, will intervene.

The meeting is free: to participate it is recommended to send a message to the Whatsapp number 3397262830 or write an email to [email protected] indicating the number of interested persons.
Also tomorrow, “CollaborATIONS” stops to Paul with the meeting entitled “What can we do together to help young people grow up autonomously? Who can we ask for help? What are the potentials of children that we adults do not see and support?”. The appointment will be held from 5 to 7.30 pm at the Frignano Family Center in via Tassoni 23: speakers will be Elena Odorici, psychologist and psychotherapist of the Ri-So Project of the Modena Ausl, and Alessandra Chiappelli, psychologist and psychotherapist of the Adolescence Project Union of Frignano family center.
To participate in the free appointment you can write to the email [email protected] or call the numbers 3397919661 or 3666716994

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What is the Social Retreat

The phenomenon of social withdrawal is an increasingly widespread manifestation of suffering among adolescents who tend to increasingly reduce friendships and over time also their attendance at social and scholastic contexts, sometimes ending up shutting themselves up in their room. Contact with real people is often replaced with frantic web activity that includes playing video games, watching movies and a variety of virtual contacts.
In some cases, the sleep-wake rhythm is reversed, so that children sleep during the day and stay awake at night.

All the information on the Social Retreat, the RI-SO Project and the program of the next CollaboraTION meetings are available on the page www.ausl.mo.it/ritiro-sociale

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