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Avoid these foods in the summer, they can create unexpected health problems

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Avoid these foods in the summer, they can create unexpected health problems

Doctors’ warning about foods to avoid in the summer, yet they are popular and widespread. Keep your family safe.

Summer is the time when we finally relax after a year of hard work. However, even and above all in summer it is necessary pay attention to food that we ingest because the damage could be immediate but also long-term. In this article we will reveal the precious advice of doctors and nutritionists to avoid risks, discomfort and pathologies, even of considerable seriousness. The rise in temperature associated with the warm season imposes some hygienic precautions because pathogenic bacteria can proliferate very easily.

Beware of these foods: they are dangerous in the summer – grantennistoscana.it

The number of people who travel to the emergency room due to food poisoning it is impressive and during the summer the phenomenon increases precisely because the bacteria are able to be more aggressive. During the summer the risk of intoxication is higher and this is true especially for some foods: it would be better to avoid them or to use special precautions.

Mayonnaise: the risk you don’t expect

Mayonnaise is one of the best and most popular sauces. It can be used to season fresh dishes such as tasty legume salads or pasta salads. The homemade one is certainly of higher quality than the industrial ones. In fact, industrial ones often have poor quality raw materials, while when we prepare it, the quality is certainly high.

However there is a risk that many do not consider and which can be serious. In fact, this tasty sauce is made if we prepare it at home from raw eggs and this is a problem. If conservation is not done in a workmanlike manner inside, it is possible develop salmonella and we may have gastrointestinal problems. You must bear in mind that if you make this sauce at home, it must be kept in the refrigerator immediately, kept covered and in any case it must be consumed within a maximum of 48 hours. Once this time limit has been exceeded, unfortunately it must be thrown away.

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Homemade mayonnaise can contain bacteria and should be consumed with caution – grantennistoscana.it

also if you notice a color change or a different smell than usual, it should not be consumed at all. This food problem practically does not exist in industrial mayonnaise. This happens because the pasteurized egg is the basic element and precisely pasteurization eliminates pathogenic bacteria. With this we don’t want to tell you not to prepare mayonnaise at home because it is of superior quality, but to be careful.

Minced meat: high bacterial risk

A second risk comes from minced meat. Meat in general it can allow the proliferation of bacteria and therefore the risk of food poisoning exists and is important. But few know that when it is ground the surface in contact with the air becomes greater and therefore the risk increases proportionally. Again Salmonella is the greatest risk but also the listeria or other bacteria may be present.

Minced meat must be cooked carefully because the bacterial risk is stronger – grantennistoscana.it

Doctors also remind that during the grinding process possible bacteria have a way of distributing and mixing in the meat. This product in the summer should be consumed with great care. It should be kept in the fridge within four degrees e ate to the fullest within the two days. Cooking must be at a high temperature for the reasons we have already mentioned and we must not leave any part undercooked.

Pieces of fruit: an unsuspected bacterial risk

Paradoxically too the fruit pieces can be a potential risk. This may surprise many readers because fruit and vegetables are considered healthy foods par excellence. Fruit can become contaminated during its production, transport or even storage. If we buy it cut, the bacteria from the outside can transfer to the pulp and therefore to our body.

Sliced ​​fruit requires some extra attention – grantennistoscana.it

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Therefore, fruit and vegetables must be washed with great care and possibly eaten immediately or kept in the cold. The fruit cut and ready to eat that we find in the supermarket it is a great convenience but it is better to avoid it because if it has not been kept well the risk can be greater.

Even the raw fish it is a potential source of food poisoning. The best thing, especially in summer, is to consume cooked fish and shellfish and be very careful about how they are stored. A final risk comes from drinks alcoholic and sugary. In this case the problem is not the bacteria but the risk of dehydration. Beer, wine and alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration if consumed in extreme heat.

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