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Be careful what you eat, some foods are toxic without knowing it

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Be careful what you eat, some foods are toxic without knowing it

Are you always attentive to what you eat every day? There may be those toxic foods in your diet without you knowing it: here’s what they are and how to recognize them.

All contaminated food could be harmful to the life of any of us. Some foods, more than others, that we usually consume require greater attention and meticulous care so that they are ingested without causing disease. Let’s find out which of these we need to be alert to because they could contain dangerous harmful substances.

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There are foods that are highly dangerous for the human intestine. Beyond the foods that are served in fast food such as hamburgers and fries or those that contain saturated fats in high quantities, there are also those present in personal diets and which are recommended by nutritionists and dieticians. It’s about toxic foods which are consumed every day.

The toxicity of these foods is given by the way they are cooked, but also by the quantity in which they are ingested because they can be harmful for our health, as well as poisonous. It doesn’t hurt to know the effect that toxic foods have on the body of each of us, so as to take measures that have the most fearsome toxins.

Toxic foods, they are eaten every day: here’s what they are

Although they are essential for our diet, some foods can be toxic if not cooked properly. Surprisingly, we find the entire family of gods on the list legumes, foods full of nutrients and always recommended by dieticians. It is essential to pay attention to cooking: the beans cannot be ingested raw because they could be toxic due to phytohaemagglutinin, a lecithin that could cause diarrhea and vomiting.

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Among the most dangerous foods in the diet are i mushroomsanother indispensable food in the Mediterranean diet also useful for losing weight. If you are not sure of their origin and edibility, experts strongly advise against consuming them. There must also be an alert for edible mushrooms because they could cause discomfort in the course of digestion. Also be careful when using the nutmeg because hallucinogenic effects such as delusions and seizures may arise due to myrisicin, a neurotoxic substance.

Also be careful with regards to almonds because they contain amygdalin, a substance that produces hydrogen cyanide in our body. 50 bitter almonds could even be fatal to humans, so consumption must be sparing. Even the potatoes they can be harmful if ingested with the peel or if they have the buds or green parts. Because it can contain solanine, a highly toxic alkaloid that could create gastrointestinal problems or generate hallucinations.

The other toxic foods that we rarely consume

In addition to the foods listed above, which are consumed almost every day, there are others that are rarely ingested and which could be equally harmful to our health. Among these we find the puffer fishil elder and the rhubarb which may have contamination.

Particular attention also with regard to the green tea e tender, infusions that are very good even if the plantations could present contamination deriving from fungicides and pesticides. The ideal is to choose organic products. Also pay attention to the shoresal raspberryat goji seeds and al Blackberry due to toxic residues. They are also worth knowing these foods that put the brain at risk.

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