Home » Best foods to lower blood sugar: here is the ranking

Best foods to lower blood sugar: here is the ranking

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Best foods to lower blood sugar: here is the ranking

Have you ever wondered what a high glycemic value is? But first of all: what is blood sugar? The presence of glucose in the blood it is essential for life because it is a fundamental nutrient for cells of the organism. The human body possesses a system for keep blood sugar constant during the day, but this rises dramatically with the consumption of meals.

Why is it important to control blood sugar?

Blood sugar tends to rise after a large meal due to the amounts of glucose. As blood glucose levels rise, insulin secretion is stimulated. After a few hours of fasting, blood sugar tends to drop thanks to insulin, because it facilitates the passage of glucose from the blood to the cells. In other words: insulin circulates in the blood transporting and distributing sugar to various organs and tissues, such as the brain and muscles, giving them energy. It is in fact of vital importance to keep the blood sugar constant, thus ensuring the normal energy supply to the brain.

Avoiding blood sugar spikes is also important because it prevents the onset of type II diabetes, helps us keep our weight under control and reduces cholesterol production. To avoid these peaks, our main goal is to promote a healthy diet. There are, however, particular foods that help lower the blood sugar level. Blood sugar is a condition that should not be underestimated.

What are the foods that help lower blood sugar?

1 – Cherries

Cherries contain nutrients called anthocyanins, which may help lower blood sugar levels in people prone to diabetes.

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2 – Blueberries

One study has shown that even a single handful of blueberries a day helps insulin production, thereby lowering the glucose level.

3 – Avocado

We often hear about how avocados are full of fat, but don’t worry. These are not those fats that are bad for your figure, but those that help slow the release of sugar into the blood. These are monosaturated fats. Even a quarter of an avocado is enough to avoid calorie overload.

4 – Cinnamon

Did you know that enough half a teaspoon a day for 20 days to ensure that the body’s insulin response improves, thus reducing the sugar level? It can be reduced by up to 20%. In other words, cinnamon helps the liver respond more readily to insulin release, leading to a better blood sugar balance.

5 – Spices

There are different types of spices that improve metabolism and among them we find: turmeric, cumin, ginger, mustard, curry and coriander. Several studies have shown that these spices have a marked antidiabetic property.

These are just 5 of the many foods that help with glycemic balance. Other examples are: almonds, eggs, and low-fat cocoa.

Here are other factors to consider for lowering blood sugar

There are other important factors in avoiding a high blood sugar level. For many people, in fact, the best approach is to change theirs lifestyle starting with nutrition, i.e. reducing caloric quantities. L’physical activity helps improve stress levels and lose weight. Did you know that losing weight improves insulin sensitivity?

Another factor is the fibers. There fiber slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugars. Foods full of fiber are the vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains.

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By varying your diet and exercising you will see that you will be more energetic even without overdoing refined sugar.

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